755 kg of drugs confiscated in Australia
Australian authorities have confiscated 755 kg of drugs found in a shipment of raw animal hides.
Considered to be the biggest seizure of crystal methamphetamine (ice) coming from Mexico, the Australian Federal Police have detained a Mexican national who organized the drug trafficking.

Having a worth of USD381 million, the mission started on 13th of August when a freight of 18 pallets of frozen, raw and untreated cow skins arrived in Sydney labeled "Salty Bovine Skin Cuero Verde Salado De Bovino".
这起价值3.81亿美元的交易于8月13日开始,当时一批18个托盘的冷冻、生牛皮和未经处理的牛皮运抵悉尼,标签上写着“咸牛皮Cuero Verde Salado De Bovino”。
After examination, Australian Border Force (ABF) found 161 silver packages filled with white substance hidden within the skin.