The British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero seized by Iran in July has started to move out of the port of Bandar Abbas where it has been held, the Swedish owner of the tanker says.
今年7月被伊朗扣押的悬挂英国国旗的油轮Stena Impero的瑞典船东说,这艘油轮已经开始驶离被扣押的阿巴斯港。
"The ship is on the move," Stena Bulk CEO Erik Hanell said in a text message. "We will comment further when the ship reaches international waters."
Stena Bulk首席执行官埃里克o哈内尔在一条短信中说:“这艘船正在起航。”“当该船抵达国际水域时,我们将进一步置评。”
Iran seized the British tanker on July 19 near the Strait of Hormuz for alleged marine violations, two weeks after Britain seized an Iranian tanker off the territory of Gibraltar. That vessel was released in August.
The Stena has set a new destination for Port Rashid in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, about 250km away, the tracking data showed on Friday. At normal tanker speed, it would reach port within half a day.
周五的跟踪数据显示,“斯坦纳”号已为阿联酋迪拜的拉希德港(Port Rashid)设定了一个新的目的地,距离目的地约250公里。按照正常的油轮速度,它将在半天内到达港口。
Iran's foreign ministry had said on Wednesday that a lifting of the detention order had been finalised, but that an investigation into the vessel was ongoing.
Iran's seizure of the Stena Impero on July 19 had ratcheted up tensions in the region following attacks in May and June on other merchant vessels in Gulf waters which Washington blamed on Tehran.
7月19日,伊朗占领Stena Impero,加剧了该地区的紧张局势。此前,5月和6月,其他商船在海湾水域遭到袭击,华盛顿指责德黑兰应为袭击负责。
Iran has denied responsibility.
Relations between the United States and Iran have become more strained since Washington withdrew last year from a global pact to rein in Tehran's nuclear programme and imposed sanctions on the country aimed at shutting down Iranian oil exports.