毫无疑问,气候变化威胁着巴拿马。海平面不断上升,加勒比海上低海拔的圣布拉斯群岛(San Blas)将被淹没,这里既是旅游胜地,也是数千名土著古纳人(Guna)的家园。气温升高将加速蒸发,进而降低加通湖的水位。但越来越难将近年的干旱归咎于气候变化。
Panama’s worst droughts have happened during extreme occurrences of El Niño, a natural phenomenon in which warm water moves eastwards across the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Longer cycles like the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, which alternates every 20-30 years between warm phases that make El Niños stronger and more frequent and cooler ones, make the role of climate change harder to discern.
Residents of the capital do not doubt that changes are afoot. The rainy season once brought daily showers of three to four hours. Now the same amount of rain falls in an hour. Eight of the ten biggest storms in the city, measured by rainfall within 24 hours, have occurred since 2000. Despite those downpours, the canal area has had six straight years of below-average rainfall. The dry season is lengthening. This year it began a month earlier than usual and ended a month late. The current drought is the first severe one to occur in a mild El Niño year.
This unprecedented concurrence suggests that climate change is directly responsible, the ACP believes. “To be completely sure you’d have to wait a hundred years,” notes Carlos Vargas, the ACP’s vice-president for water and environment. And even if climate change is not the culprit now, it may strengthen future El Niños, which would lengthen droughts and increase their intensity. Some scientists think that if, as expected, the equatorial eastern Pacific warms faster than other regions, extreme El Niños will double in frequency to once a decade by 2100.
ACP认为,这种前所未有的并存现象表明气候变化是直接原因。ACP水与环境事务副总裁卡洛斯·瓦尔加斯(Carlos Vargas)指出:“要百分百确定这一点还得等一百年。”而即使现在气候变化还不是罪魁祸首,它也可能在未来加剧厄尔尼诺现象,让干旱延长并加重。一些科学家认为,如果如预期的那样,赤道东太平洋的升温速度快于其他地区,那么到2100年,极端厄尔尼诺现象出现的频率将翻倍,达到十年一次。
Water shortages imperil the canal’s expansion plans. In 2016 a new set of locks allowed the passage of NEOPANAMAX ships. The canal needs another upgrade to accommodate new “ultra-large” vessels. But work cannot start while water levels are so uncertain, ACP officials say.
If droughts become frequent, shipping firms may favour more reliable routes between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, such as rail lines across the United States. Someday, climate change could open up for navigation the ice-clogged Northwest Passage through the Arctic. That would cut by about 4,000km (2,500 miles) the length of a journey from Shanghai to New York, which is 19,500km via Panama.
To secure the canal’s future, the ACP has to plan now. “We cannot go back to what we had in the past,” says Mr Vargas. Already the ACP has stopped producing hydroelectricity from the Gatun dam. It is studying ways to raise water levels, including by digging a third artificial lake to supply Panama city and piping water from the Indio river to Lake Gatun. “They’re going to have to do all of them,” says Merei Heras, a former environment minister, sipping a drink in a café as rain pelts down. Deepening Lake Gatun is not an option because the mountains nearby would collapse.
为了确保运河的未来,ACP必须立即制订计划。瓦尔加斯说:“我们没法再回到从前。”ACP已经停止了加通大坝的水力发电,现在正在研究提高水位的方法,包括挖掘第三个人工湖为巴拿马城供水,以及从印第奥河(Indio)向加通湖送水。“这些项目都得上。”前环境部长梅雷·赫拉斯(Merei Heras)在咖啡馆里啜着一杯饮料说,外面大雨如注。加深加通湖是行不通的,因为附近的山体会崩塌。
Drought-proofing the canal will be disruptive, forcing people to move and hurting habitats down-river from water-diversion projects. Panama’s only answer to the global havoc caused by climate change, it seems, is to do local damage.