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    Facebook is in a poor position to promote its plans to launch a global cryptocurrency, Mark Zuckerberg has admitted, in candid testimony released before a key congressional hearing on Wednesday.

    书面证词显示,马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)将在周三举行的关键的国会听证会上坦承,Facebook在推进其全球加密货币计划方面处于不利地位。

    The Facebook chief executive said in the prepared remarks that his company was keen to hand over leadership of the project to an association of its partners, given the range of political controversies that continue to dog his company.



    He added: “I’m sure people wish it was anyone but Facebook putting this idea forward.”


    Mr Zuckerberg will testify to Congress about Project Libra on Wednesday for the first time since it was announced. The hearing in front of the House financial services committee, the chief executive’s first time on Capitol Hill since he faced fierce questioning from politicians in April 2018 over the Cambridge Analytica scandal, is likely to prove a key test of whether the troubled project is able to win enough support in Washington to allow it to proceed.

    扎克伯格将于周三就Libra项目向国会作证,这是自该项目宣布以来的首次国会听证会。出席由众议院金融服务委员会(House Financial Services Committee)举行的听证会,是这位首席执行官自2018年4月因剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻而面对政客们的激烈质问以来首次现身国会山。对于这一陷入困境的项目能否在华盛顿赢得足够支持以便推进,这很可能是一个关键考验。

    Facebook has said it will not go ahead with the scheme until it secures the necessary regulatory approvals in both Europe and the US. Since it was announced, the plans have been criticised by regulators and politicians around the world. Officials have expressed concern that the currency could be used by criminals to launder money, put customers’ privacy at risk and even undermine the global dominance of the dollar.


    Mr Zuckerberg tackled several of those criticisms in his statement, promising that Facebook’s digital wallet would never share customers’ financial information with the rest of the company without their permission or unless obliged by law.



    He also said the company would work with the Federal Reserve to make sure the cryptocurrency “cannot interfere with monetary policy”.

    他还表示,该公司将与美联储(Federal Reserve)合作,确保该加密货币“不会干扰货币政策”。

    He also mounted a robust defence of the concept, saying it would help bring payments services to the 1bn people across the world who do not have access to bank accounts.


    He said: “People pay far too high a cost — and have to wait far too long — to send money home to their families abroad. The current system is failing them. The financial industry is stagnant and there is no digital financial architecture to support the innovation we need.”


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