When José moved his family to the United States from Mexico nearly two decades ago, he had hopes of giving his children a better life.
But now he worries about the future of his 21-year-old-son, who has lived in central Illinois since he was a toddler. José's son has a criminal record, which could make him a target for deportation officials.
We're not using the son's name because of those risks, and are using the father's middle name, José, because both men are in the U.S. without permission.
José's son was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder last year and has faced barriers to getting affordable treatment, in part because he doesn't have legal status.
Mental health advocates say many people with untreated mental illness run the risk of cycling in and out of the criminal justice system, and the situation is particularly fraught for those without legal status.
"If he gets deported he'd practically be lost in Mexico, because he doesn't know Mexico," says José, speaking through an interpreter. "I brought him here very young and, with his illness, where is he going to go? He's likely to end up on the street."
“如果他被驱逐出境,他几乎会在墨西哥迷路,因为他不了解墨西哥,” 约瑟通过翻译说。“我在他很小的时候就把他带到了这里,现在他病了,他要去哪里呢?”他可能会流落街头。”
Legal troubles
José's son has spent several weeks in jail and numerous days in court over the past year.
On the most recent occasion, the young man sat nervously in the front row of a courtroom. Wearing a white button-down shirt and dress pants, his hair parted neatly, he stared at the floor while he waited for the judge to enter.
That day, he pleaded guilty to a criminal charge of property damage. The incident took place at his parents' house earlier that year. He had gotten into a fight with his brother-in-law and broke a window. His father says it was yet another out-of-control moment from his son's recent struggles with mental illness.
Before beginning proceedings, the judge read a warning aloud — something that is now standard practice to make sure noncitizens are aware that they could face deportation (or be denied citizenship) if they plead guilty in court.
The young man received 12 months' probation.
After the hearing, he agreed to an interview.
Just a couple of years ago, he says, his life was good: He was living on his own, working, and taking classes at community college. But all that changed when he started hearing voices and began struggling to keep his grip on reality. He withdrew from his friends and family, including his dad.
One time, he began driving erratically, thinking his car was telling him what to do. A month after that episode, he started having urges to kill himself and sometimes felt like hurting others.
In 2018, he was hospitalized twice, and finally got diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
He now works as a landscaper and hopes to get back to college someday to study business. But he fears his criminal record could stand in the way of those goals, and he's aware that his history makes him a target for immigration sweeps.