The French icebreaker L'Astrolabe was set to deliver supplies and a fresh batch of explorers to the Dumont d'Urville research station south of Australia, but on November 15, France's Polar Institute announced the ship's propeller had been damaged.
In the ice you have to take no risk with the security of the passengers and of the crew, Captain Celine Tuccelli told ABC News Australia this week.
A total of 42 researchers were stranded, possibly for weeks, in a situation that the leader of France's mission at Dumont d'Urville, Alain Quivoron, told ABC was "frustrating".
Most of the younger members of the mission would have been happy to stay longer, but the older ones find the situation inconvenient and would have preferred to come back to their families, Quivoron said.
Fortunately, Australia is coming to the rescue.
Last week, the Australian government pledged to dispatch an icebreaker to Dumont d'Urville and another French Italian research base at Concordia. The Aurora Australis will arrive in Hobart, Tasmania, at the end of the month and then push south in early December to bring the weary explorers home.
L'Astrolabe, the faulty ship, is just over two years old, completed in 2017 to replace an older vessel of the same name.
There is a great spirit of cooperation and support among the nations working in Antarctica and we are very happy we can help our French colleagues when needed, Australian Antarctic Division Director Kim Ellis said in a statement.
澳大利亚南极部主任Kim Ellis在一份声明中说:“在南极工作的国家之间有一种伟大的合作精神和支持,我们很高兴能在需要的时候帮助我们的法国同事。”
It wasn't just people who wanted to get out of Antarctica that were held up; crew members eager to get to the remote research station celebrated Australia's intervention, as well.
French meteorologist François Gourand celebrated the news on Twitter and on his blog and expressed his relief that the trip would continue despite the hiccup.
French Polar Institute Director Jerome Chappellaz praised the decision, noting that without the intervention, "keeping our research stations running and undertaking scientific research would have been extremely difficult."
法国极地研究所主任Jerome Chappellaz赞扬了这一决定,并指出,如果没有这种干预,“维持我们的研究站的运行和进行科学研究将会是非常困难的。”