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    The lone star tick could soon be colonizing a backyard near you


    The climate crisis is making us more vulnerable to ticks in an unprecedented and growing threat to public health, according to a new report.


    Bacterial and protozoan tick-borne diseases doubled in the United States between 2004 and 2016, the report notes, and in 2017, more than 90% of the 60,000 vector-borne diseases in the United States were linked to these particular bloodsucking bugs.



    The warmer temperatures brought by the climate crisis, in addition to ecological changes and reforestation, have extended the bugs' range into regions that had not seen certain types of ticks for many decades, if ever. And the report published in the New England Journal of Medicine Tuesday warns that we should be "bracing for the worst."


    The lone star tick, a tick distinguished by a white dot -- a "lone star" -- on the back of the female of the species, had been commonly found in the South. Global warming has made more regions tick-friendly. Now it also lives in the Upper Midwest, in the Northeast, and has even moved into eastern Canada.

    孤星蜱(lone star tick)是一种蜱,其特征是雌蜱背上有一个白点,被称为“孤星”(lone star),在南方很常见。全球变暖使得更多的地区变得适应蜱虫(生活)。现在它也生活在中西部北部,在东北部,甚至已经移动到加拿大东部。

    Warmer temperatures may also extend their "active season," researchers said, and make them much more abundant.


    The good news -- if there is good news when it comes to ticks -- is that lone star ticks don't carry Borrelia burgdorferi, the main bacteria that causes Lyme disease. But they do carry the bacteria that causes southern tick-associated rash illness, or STARI, a rash similar to Lyme disease that also comes with fever, fatigue, headache and muscle pains. While doctors know to watch for Lyme disease, STARI has been less common and is often misdiagnosed, the report said.


    The lone star ticks also cause tularemia, known as rabbit or deer fly fever, a rare infectious disease that attacks the skin, lymph nodes and eyes; ehrlichiosis, a bacterial infection that can cause flu-like symptoms; Heartland virus disease, a virus that can also cause flu-like symptoms and often leads to hospitalization or even death; and alpha-gal syndrome, also known as red meat allergy.


    And these ticks are "aggressive," according to Richard Ostfeld, a disease ecologist with the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies who studies Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.



    " 'Aggressive' is a weird word to use with ticks, but they actually chase you and are very different from our wimpy black-legged ticks, the ones that have brought us Lyme disease. Those are slow, deliberate crawlers, who would have a hard time making it across my desk in half a day," Ostfeld said. "Lone star ticks can detect you and they basically run after you. They are really upsetting. It feels like they are hunting you.


    "Well actually, it doesn't just feel like that. They are hunting you."


    He said it's good to raise awareness about the problem now -- he only wishes it went further to encourage public health leaders to be more proactive. Instead of just surveilling the diseasesticks cause, as the report suggests, he hopes governments will invest in more tick research and create a surveillance program for this tick and for others.


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