Fifteen horses were shot and killed in the woods of Eastern Kentucky in what authorities call a cruel and inhumane crime that they're now working to unravel. Local authorities are offering a $1,500 reward — an amount boosted by donations from people who want the killer brought to justice.
The horses were found in the area of a rehabilitated strip mine near Floyd County's border with neighboring Pike County. For years, locals say, 30 or more horses have roamed the rough and isolated terrain there. But that changed horribly this week.
"It looked like a battlefield for just horses — we counted 15 that we found dead. All 15 appeared to us to have been shot," Floyd County Sheriff John Hunt told local TV station WYMT.
“这看起来就像一个只有马的战场——我们发现有15匹马死亡。在我们看来,所有15人都是被枪杀的。” 弗洛伊德县警长约翰·亨特告诉当地电视台WYMT。
"This is very inhumane," Hunt says, "and it's a very cruel act of somebody who just apparently had nothing else to do and shoot down horses who were — one of them obviously was feeding, had grass in its mouth."
At least two of the slain horses were pregnant and miscarried after being shot, says Megan Goble, who lives near the site. Her family owns part of the land that has become home to the horses. She says the horses lived in two main herds, and she describes them as a mix of animals that were brought there by their owners and those that were born in the secluded area.
"There's a lot of people within our community that go up there and feed them or just go see them or whatever, because, I mean, it's beautiful back there and it's a bunch of horses running," Goble says.
Of the idea that someone would go into the area and shoot 15 horses, Goble says, "I mean, it's just horrific, and it's shook this community pretty good."
The sheriff told the Floyd Chronicle & Times that he put up $500 of the reward money himself. The rest has come from a local pet store and an animal rescue operation that has helped care for the free-roaming horses.
The first call about a group of dead horses came in on Monday, says Goble. That first call referred to as many as five carcasses. Goble, who works in animal rescue, says it took an extra day to begin realizing the full scope of the crime, as cold and stormy weather washed out roads and slowed search efforts.
When Goble and the deputies reached the area where the dead horses were, she says, "It was a lot worse than I would have imagined."
"We found five of them that were relatively close together" in roughly a 50-yard space, Goble says. Others were more scattered, she says — and she believes there may be other dead horses that still haven't been found.
"I've done rescue for a long time. I've seen some pretty bad things," Goble says. She adds, "This was different. This was a very large act of evil, for lack of a better term. I mean, there's no other way that I can describe it. Somebody went out of their way to go up there and kill these horses, and not even quickly, for no reason."