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    US stock markets suffer worst day since 1987 despite drastic Fed rate cut


    The US’s S&P 500 crashed 12 per cent over trading, the Dow Jones finished 12.9 per cent lower, and the Nasdaq ended 12.3 per cent down.


    Late on Sunday night the Fed slashed its base interest rate to a range of zero to 0.25 per cent, also announcing a $700bn worth of quantitative easing in an attempt to protect markets from the ravages of the disease.


    But the move only served to deepen investor fears that monetary policy cannot curb the fallout of the virus, which has now infected almost 170,000 people around the world and killed more than 6,500.



    The S&P has now fallen to its lowest levels since December 2018, with US president Donald Trump warning that a recession was now a possibility.


    The index is now down some 30 per cent from its all time high, with an International Monetary Fund pledge to mobilise $1 trillion in lending having a negligible impact.


    “Businesses are shutting doors globally and households are moving into quarantine,” said Michelle Meyer, US economist at Bank of America.

    美国银行(Bank of America)美国经济学家米歇尔•迈耶(Michelle Meyer)表示:“全球范围内的企业都在关门,家庭也在进入隔离区。”。

    Andrew Sheets, chief cross-asset strategist at Morgan Stanley, said: “It is a negative shock to both supply and demand, one that is uniquely difficult for policy-makers to ‘fix’.”

    摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)首席跨资产策略师安德鲁•斯泰尔斯(Andrew Sheets)表示:“这对供需双方都是负面冲击,对决策者来说,这是一个独特的难以‘修复’的冲击。”

    Despite traders’ attitude to central bank stimulus, new Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey yesterday said Threadneedle Street stands ready to take more “prompt action” when needed to tackle the economic fallout from coronavirus.

    尽管交易员们对央行的刺激措施持乐观态度,但英国央行(bank of England)新任行长安德鲁贝利(Andrew Bailey)昨日表示,Threadneedle Street随时准备在需要时采取更多“迅速行动”,以应对冠状病毒对经济的影响。

    Central bankers such as Fed chair Jay Powell have said they are aware of the limited effect monetary policy will have on supply chains in the short term, but hope their measures will support economies as the virus fades.

    美联储主席杰伊•鲍威尔(Jay Powell)等央行官员表示,他们意识到货币政策在短期内对供应链的影响有限,但希望他们的措施能在病毒消退时支持经济。

      上一篇:英国已有53人死亡,24小时内死亡人数增加了18人 下一篇:全球抗疫 共退病毒


