谷歌下架Pixel 3和Pixel 3 XL
Smartphones come and go but more often than not you can expect them to be available for more than a year. That’s not the case with Google’s Pixel phones, however, as these seem to have a shelf life of one year, at least as far as Google’s own store goes. Just like its predecessor, the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL have now disappeared from there, clearing the market for the Pixel 4 and perhaps even an upcoming Pixel 4a.
智能手机来来往往,但通常,您会期望它们可以使用一年以上。但是,对于Google的Pixel手机而言,情况并非如此,因为它们的保质期只有一年,至少就Google自己的商店而言是这样。就像其前身一样,Pixel 3和Pixel 3 XL现在已经从那里消失了,为Pixel 4甚至即将到来的Pixel 4a扫清了市场。
To be fair, it has been a year and five months since the Pixel 3 launched. It was also around this time last year when the Pixel 2 and 2 XL vanished from the Google Store. There’s really no surprise there but it doesn’t make it less unusual compared to other OEMs’ practices.
公平地说,Pixel3推出已经一年零五个月了。就在去年的这个时候,Pixel 2和Pixel 2XL从谷歌商店消失了。确实没有什么奇怪的,但与其他原始设备制造商的做法相比,这一点并不稀奇。
Then again, there might not be much point to opting for a Pixel 3 or even a 3 XL at this point. Aesthetic considerations aside, the more recent Pixel 4 series definitely has the upper hand when it comes to hardware, even if missed out on the latest Snapdragon 865 and 5G. For some, the Soli-based radar, the new cameras, and the coverage period of software support would be enough reasons to reach for the Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL instead.
再次重申,此时选择Pixel 3甚至3 XL可能没有多大意义。抛开美观因素不谈,在硬件方面,最新的Pixel4系列无疑占据了上风,即使错过了最新的Snapdragon865和5G。对一些人来说,基于Soli的雷达、新相机以及软件支持的覆盖期,足以让他们转而选择Pixel 4和Pixel 4XL。
But, of course, there’s always the price factor, with the Pixel 4 at full price at this point. There’s also no denying that there will be those who find the Pixel 4’s features excessive and unnecessary.
但是,当然,价格因素总是存在的,此时Pixel 4会以全价出售。不可否认的是,会有人发现Pixel 4的功能过分多余。
Fortunately, the Pixel 3 is still available from other retailers even if Google has run out of stocks. Android Police lists B&H Photo as one such source, selling the Pixel 3 XL for $450 while Best Buy sells the Pixel 3 for $450. Those might not last long, however, if those still on the fence start grabbing units before they completely vanish.
幸运的是,即使Google没库存了,Pixel 3仍可从其他零售商处购买。 Android Police将B&H Photo作为货源之一,以450美元的价格出售Pixel 3 XL,而Best Buy 则以450美元的价格出售Pixel 3。如果那些仍持观望态度的人在它们完全消失之前就开始疯狂购买的话,这种情况可能不会持续太久。