Hong Kong has always maintained its institutional strengths which are favorable for doing business under "one country, two systems," a report of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government said on Monday. Paul Chan, financial secretary of the HKSAR government, released the "Report on Hong Kong's Business Environment: A Place with Unique Advantages and Unlimited Opportunities" at a news conference.
香港特区政府9月27日发布《香港营商环境报告:优势独特 机遇无限》。报告指出,在"一国两制"的基础上,香港将长期保持有利营商的制度优势。
Hong Kong enjoys a sound business environment and a bright future, with a vibrant growth impetus and huge opportunities, Chan said.
"One country, two systems" has been the cornerstone of Hong Kong's economic development since the global financial hub returned to the motherland in 1997, according to the report.
The report stressed Hong Kong's position as an international center for finance, commerce and trade, a home for corporate headquarters, and a major hub for investment, transportation and logistics.