Nearly all cases of cervical cancer are caused by human papillomaviruses, known as HPV.
A seismicshift in preventing the disease started in 2008 with the introduction of the HPV vaccinemeant screening at ages 30, 40 and 55 could be appropriate, and that more effective vaccines being introduced this year could mean only one test a lifetime.
他在 BBC 广播四台的 “Inside Health” 节目上说,目前的疫苗意味着在30岁、40岁和45岁时进行检查即可,而今年推出的更有效的疫苗可能意味着一生只需检查一次。
No decisions have yet been made about the future of screening, and there is still a question of how long protection lasts or if a midlife booster is needed, and regular screening will be needed for decades, due to the generations that have not been immunised.
关于未来宫颈癌检查计划的走向,目前尚未有定论,而且疫苗的保护效果会持续多久,到中年后是否需要打加强针,这些仍是问题。另外,由于几代人都没有对 HPV 的免疫,所以在几十年间需要定期做检查。