新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 134 He said (that) he ... / He told me (that) he ...
教程:新概念英语第一册(美音版)  浏览:21917  
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    Lesson 134 He said (that) he ... 他曾说他……
    He told me (that) he ... 他曾告诉我说他……

    Written exercises 书面练习

    A Read the conversation in Lesson 133 again. Then answer these questions.


    1 Has Miss Marsh just made a new film?

    2 Who was asking her questions?

    3 What is Miss Marsh going to do?

    4 Why doesn't Miss Marsh want to make another film?

    5 Who bought a newspaper?

    6 Where did Miss Marsh arrive?

    7 What was Miss Marsh wearing?

    B Answer these questions.



    I'm tired. -- What did he say?

    He said he was tired.

    1 I'm busy. -- What did he say?

    2 She's cold. -- What did he say?

    3 The book's interesting. -- What did she say?

    4 They're hungry. -- What did he say?

    C Answer these questions.



    I'm reading. ---- What did he tell you?

    He told me he was reading.

    1 I'm working. ---- What did he tell you?

    2 She's leaving. ---- What did they tell you?

    3 They're joking. ---- What did she tell you?

    4 Tom's waiting. -- What did he tell you?

    D Answer these questions.



    I've finished. -- What did he tell you?

    He told me he had finished.

    1 I've met him. -- What did he tell you?

    2 I've lost it. -- What did he tell you?

    3 It has stopped. -- What did she tell you?

    4 She has arrived. -- What did they tell you?

      上一篇:新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 132 He may be …/He may have been … I'm not sure 下一篇:新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 136 He said (that) he ... / He told me (that) he ...

