新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 136 He said (that) he ... / He told me (that) he ...
教程:新概念英语第一册(美音版)  浏览:23721  
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    Lesson 136 He said (that) he ... 他(曾)说他……

    He told me (that) he ... 他(曾)告诉我说他……

    Listen to the tape and answer the questions.


    Written exercises 书面练习

    A Read the conversation in Lesson 135 again. Then answer these questions.


    1 Is Karen Marsh really going to retire, or is she still not sure?

    2 She can't make up her mind, can she?

    3 What is the name of her future husband?

    4 When will they get married?

    5 Where is Karen Marsh staying?

    6 Does Karen Marsh introduce Carlos to the reporters?

    7 How does Liz describe the news?

    B Answer these questions.



    I will leave tomorrow. -- What did he say?

    He said he would leave tomorrow.

    1 Penny will open the window. -- What did he say?

    2 I will change some money. -- What did she say?

    3 It will rain tomorrow. -- What did he say?

    4 They will arrive later. -- What did he say?

    5 He will repair it. -- What did she say?

    6 I will write to him. -- What did he say?

    C Answer these questions.



    I can do this Maths problem. What did he tell you?

    He told me he could do this Maths problem.

    1 I can understand English. ---- What did he tell you?

    2 I can recognize him. ---- What did she tell you?

    3 They can afford it. ---- What did they tell you?

    4 I can remember him. ---- What did she tell you?

    5 I can change it. ---- What did he tell you?

    6 I can finish it. ---- What did he tell you?

    D Answer these questions.



    I may go to the cinema. -- What did he say?

    He said he might go to cinema.

    1 They may arrive tomorrow. -- What did they say?

    2 I may retire. -- What did he tell you?

    3 I may telephone him. -- What did she say?

    4 I may sell it. -- What did he tell you?

    5 She may recognize you. -- What did he say?

    6 I may finish it. -- What did she tell you?

      上一篇:新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 134 He said (that) he ... / He told me (that) he ... 下一篇:新概念英语第一册(美音版)Lesson 138 If ...


