教程:疯狂英语初中单词王(lrc版)  浏览:8933  
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    T ;
    table/'teibl/n. ;桌子,表格
    Please set the table. Dinner is ready. ;请摆好桌子,晚饭准备 好了。
    Do you know your times table for six? ;你会六的乘数表吗?
    take/teik/vt. (took/tuk/,taken/ 'teikn/) ;拿到,带到, 耗费(时间), 需要(多少时间)
    The mother took her child by the hand. ;母亲拉着孩子的手。
    It takes a lot of money to buy a house as big as that. ;要买那么大的房子要花掉 一大笔钱。
    take-away /'teik婠_wei/ adj.& n. ;熟食,外卖餐馆
    I'm too tired to cook--let's get something from the Chinese take-away. ;我累得做不了饭了,咱们 从中国外卖餐馆买些东西 来吃吧。
    talk/t:k/vi. ;谈话,说话
    That child is too yong to talk. ;那个孩子太小了,不会 说话。
    talk/t:k/n. ;演讲,谈话
    The teacher gave us a talk on sexual responsibility in the modern world. ;老师跟我们谈现代世界中 性责任的问题。
    tall/t:/adj. ;高的
    He is six feet tall. ;他身高六尺。
    tape/teip/n. ;录音带
    The police seized various books and tapes. ;警方查获了各种书和磁带
    tea/ti:/n. ;茶,茶叶
    They were having tea when I called. ;我去拜访时,他们在喝 午茶。
    teach/ti:t/vt.& vi. (taught/t:t/,tautht) ;教,教书
    Who taught you to ride a bicycle? ;谁教你骑自行车的?
    teacher/'ti:t/n. ;老师
    Like teacher,like pupil. ;有其师必有其徒。
    team/ti:m/n. ;队,组
    Is Mike on that football team? ;麦克是那个足球队的 成员吗?
    teamwork/'ti:mw:k/n. ;合作,协同工作
    This group has a good teamwork. ;这组配合的很好。
    teapot/'ti:pt/n. ;茶壶
    I don't like this teapot. ;我不大喜欢这个茶壶。
    telephone/'telifun/n. telephone /'telifun/vt. ;电话,电话机 打电话给。。。
    We must telephone our congratulations to the happy couple. ;我们得给那对幸福的夫妇 打个电话表示祝贺。
    tell/tel/vt. (told/tuld/,told) ;告诉,讲述,吩咐
    I can't tell you how happy I am. ;我真不知道怎么表达我的 快乐。
    temperature /'temprit/n. ;温度
    Keep the house at an even temperature please. ;请保持室内恒温。
    tennis/'tenis/n. ;网球
    Can you play tennis? ;你会打网球吗?
    term/t:m/n. ;学期
    I was preparing for the end-of-term examinations. ;我在为期中考试做准备。
    terrible/'terbl/adj. ;可怕的,极坏的
    We had a terrible time during the holiday. ;我们的假期过的很不快乐
    terribly/'terbli/adj ;可怕的,极坏的
    He played that piece of music terribly. ;那首乐曲他演奏的很糟。
    than/n/conj. ;比
    Easier said than done. ;说来容易,做来难。
    thank/k/vt. ;谢谢
    I thanked her for the present. ;我感谢她的礼物。
    their//pron. ;(they 的所有格) 他们(她们、它们)的
    They have lost their dog. ;他们的狗丢了。
    theirs/z/pron. ;他们(她们、它们)的
    The ship is theirs. ;这船是他们的。
    them/m/pron. ;他们(她们、它们)
    We gave them some food ;我们给了他们一些食物。
    themselves /m'selvz/pron. ;他(她、它)们自己。
    The children can look after themselves for a couple of hours. ;孩子们能照顾自己几个 小时。
    then/en/adv. ;到那时
    We shall have left school by then. ;到那时我们将已毕业 离校了。
    there//adv. ;那里,那儿
    He will stay there till May. ;他将在那里住到五月。
    thermos/':ms/n. ;热水瓶
    The thermos is made of glass and mercury. ;热水瓶是由玻璃和 水银制成。
    these/i:z/pron.& adj ;这些(this 的复数)
    These are my toys. ;这些是我的玩具。
    they/ei/pron. ;他们(她们、它们)
    They are the children's parents. ;他们是孩子们的父母。
    thick/ik/adj. ;厚的
    This book is very thick. ;这本书很厚。
    thin/in/adj. ;薄的,瘦的
    That ice is too thin to stand on. ;那冰很薄,经不住踩。
    thing/i/n. ;东西,事情
    What is that thing you are carrying? ;你拿的那个东西是什么?
    think/ik/vt. ;想,认为
    Think hard before you answer this question. ;好好想一想再回答这个 问题。
    third/:d/num. ;第三
    Let's welcome the third contestant. ;让我们欢迎三号选手出场
    thirsty/':sti/adj. ;口渴的
    Salty food makes one thirsty. ;吃咸的的食物令人口渴。
    this/is/pron.& adj. ;这个,这
    This book is for you. ;这本书是给你的。
    three/ri:/num. ;三
    I have got three sisters. ;我有三姐妹。
    through/ru:/vt. ;通过,穿过
    Did you get through your examinations? ;你通过考试了吗?
    throw/ru/vt. (threw/ru:/, thrown/run/} ;投,掷
    Don't throw away your old shoes,give them to me. ;不要扔掉你的旧鞋子, 给我吧。
    those /uz/pron.& adj. ;那些
    In those days,they lived a hard life. ;在当时,他们过着艰苦 的生活。
    though/u/conj. ;虽然,可是
    Though it's hard work, I enjoy it. ;工作虽苦,我却干得 满快活的。
    thousand /'auznd/num. ;千
    One kilometer equals to one thousand meters ;一公里等于一千米。
    tick/tik/vt. ;作记号
    The jobs that are done have been ticked off. ;做完的工作都标上了记号
    ticket/'tikit/n. ;票,券
    Admission is by ticket only. ;凭券入场。
    tidy/'taidi/vt. tidy/'taidi/adj. ;弄整洁,弄整齐 整洁的,整齐的
    You'd better tidy this room up before the guests arrive. ;你最好在客人到来之前 把屋子整理好。
    tie/tai/vt. ;(用绳,线等)系,栓 扎
    Make sure the parcel's correctly tied up before you post it. ;包裹寄出之前要捆得 好好的。
    tiger/'taig/n. ;虎
    How can you catch the tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair? ;[谚]不如虎穴,焉得虎子
    till/til/prep & conj. ;直到,直到。。。之时。
    He had been in Beijing till last week. ;他在北京一直呆到上星期
    time/taim/n. ;时间;次,次数
    How do you spend your time at home? ;你在家里怎么打发时间?
    Each time I called on him,he was busy with his work. ;每次我去看他,他总是 在忙着工作。
    tired/'taid/adj. ;疲劳的,累的
    I'm dead tired. ;我累得要死。
    to/tu:/prep. ;(表示方向)到,往
    You should go to school today. ;你今天应该去上学。
    today/t'dei/n.& adv. ;今天
    Today is Monday. ;今天是星期一。
    today/t'dei/adv. ;在今天
    It is warm today. ;今天天气很暖和。
    together /t'ge/adv. ;一起,一同,合起来
    John and Jean are living together but they have no plan to get married. ;约翰和琴住在一起,但是 他们不打算结婚。
    toilet/'tilit/n. ;厕所
    Can you tell me where the toilet is? ;您能告诉我洗手间在 哪儿吗?
    too/tu:/adv. ;也;太
    I have been to Paris, too. My error was all too apparent. ;我也去了巴黎。 我的错误实在是太明显了
    tooth/tu:/n. (pl.)teeth/ti:/ ;牙齿
    The baby's first front teeth are just coming through. ;那孩子的门牙刚长出来。
    top/tp/n. ;顶部,(物的)上面
    Start reading at the top of the page. ;从这一页的上端开始念。
    tomato/t'ma:tu/n. ;西红柿,番茄
    Would you like some tomato soup? ;来碗番茄汤吗?
    tomorrow /t'mru/n.& adv. ;明天
    I'm going away tomorrow. ;我明天要走了。
    tonight /t'nait/adv.& n. ;今晚
    Tonight will be cloudy ;今天夜间多云。
    total/'tutl/n.& adj. ;总数
    Add these numbers together and tell me the total. ;把这些数字加起来,告诉 我总数是多少。
    touch/tt/vt. ;触摸,接触
    Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings. ;参观者请勿触摸绘画展品
    toward(s) /t'w:d(z)/prep. ;向,朝;对
    I hope we're not moving towards war again. ;希望我们不会再次走向 战争。
    town/taun/n. ;城镇
    He drove through several large industrial towns. ;他开车穿过几座大的工业 市镇。
    tractor/'trkt/n. ;拖拉机
    This is an all-purpose tractor. ;这是辆万能拖拉机。
    traffic/'trfik/n. ;交通
    There's usually a lot of traffic at this time of day. ;每天在这段时间往来车辆 都很多。
    train/trein/n. ;火车
    The train is in. ;火车正进站。
    travel/'trvl/vi. (travelled/'trvld/, travelled) ;旅行
    I'd like to travel through the whole world. ;我想周游全世界。
    traveller/'trvl/n. ;旅行者
    He is a traveller. ;他是个旅行者。
    tree/tri:/n. ;树
    We sat under the tree. ;我们坐在树下。
    trouble/'trbl/vt. trouble/'trbl/n. ;麻烦,使麻烦 疾病
    You look troubled, what's worrying you? ;你看起来好象有心事, 有什么烦心的事?
    trousers/'trauzz/n. ;裤子
    I bought a pair of trousers yesterday. ;我昨天买了一条裤子。
    truck/trk/n. ;卡车
    The truck is a vehicle for carrying goods. ;卡车是一种运输货物的 交通工具。
    true/tru:/adj. ;真的,真实的
    Is the news true? 消息是真的吗? ;
    truly/'tru:li/adv. ;真正地
    Her husband is a truly good man. ;她丈夫是个地道的好人。
    try/trai/vt.& vi. ;试(做),试图,努力
    I don't think I can do it but I'll try. ;我看我做不来,但我愿意 试试。
    turn/t:n/n. ;轮流,(依次轮流)顺序
    It's your turn. ;轮到你了。
    turn/t:n/vi. ;转(弯),翻转
    The wheel of history cannot be turned back. ;历史的车轮不能倒转。
    turning/'t:ni/n. ;(路的)转弯处
    Please stop at the next turning. ;请在下一个转弯处停下来
    twelfth/twelf/num. ;第十二
    Who is the twelfth contestant? ;谁是十二号参赛选手?
    twice/twais/adv. ;两次,两倍
    I work twice as hard as you. ;我工作比你勤奋两倍。
    twin/twin/n. ;双胞胎之一
    We're twins. ;我们是双胞胎。
    U ;
    uncle/'kl/n. ;叔,伯,舅,姨夫,姑夫
    I'm going to my uncle's. ;我到叔叔家去。
    under/'nd/prep. ;在。。。下面
    The cat is under the table. ;那猫在桌子下面。
    understand /妌d'std/vt. ;懂得,理解
    (understood /婠kn'd'stud/, understood) ;
    I'm not sure that I fully understand you. ;我不敢说我已完全听懂了
    unhappy/n'hpi/adj. ;不高兴的,伤心的
    She looks unhappy today. ;她今天看上去不太高兴。
    universe /'ju:niv:s/n. ;宇宙
    The universe includes the earth and its creatures and all the stars and planets. ;宇宙包括地球以及地球上 的一切生物,恒星还有 行星。
    unlike/'n'laik/prep. ;不像,和。。。不同
    Her latest novel is quite unlike her earlier work. ;她最近的小说与她以前的 作品截然不同。
    until /n'til/conj.& prep. ;直到。。。为止
    Continue in this direction until you see a sign. ;一直朝着这个方向走就 看见标示牌了。
    untrue/'n'tru:/adj. ;不真实的, 假的
    What he said was untrue. ;他说的不是真的。
    unusual /n'ju:ul/adj. ;不平常的,异常的
    This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain. ;这种鸟很少冬季到英国来
    up/p/adv. ;向上
    The little boy picked up a stone ;小男孩捡起一块石子
    and threw it over the fence into the courtyard of his neighbour. ;扔过栅栏抛到他邻居的 院子里
    upstairs /'p'stz/adv. ;在楼上,到楼上
    I was upstairs when it happened. ;这件事发生时我正在楼上
    use/ju:z/vt. ;用,使用
    Stop touching !You use your eyes to look,not your hands. ;不要碰!用眼睛看, 不要动手。
    use/ju:s/n. ;用,使用,利用
    What's the use of complaining? ;抱怨有什么用呢?
    useful/'ju:sful/adj. ;有用的,有益的
    Videos are useful things to have in the classroom. ;教室里有录像设备是很 有益的。
    usual/'ju:ul/adj. ;通常的,平常的
    He wasn't his usual self. ;他失去了常态。
    usually/ju:uli/adv. ;通常
    I'm not usually so late. ;我通常不会这么晚。
    V. ;
    vegetable /'veditbl/n. ;蔬菜
    There are 2 vegetables on a plate and both are onions. ;盘子上的两道菜都是洋葱
    verb/v:b/n. ;动词
    The word "give" is a verb. ;单词 "give" 是个动词
    very/'veri/adv. ;很,非常
    She was very hurt by his unkind words. ;他出言不逊,使她 十分伤心。
    village/'vilid/n. ;村庄,乡村
    He lived a village life. ;他过着一种乡村生活。
    violin/vai'lin/n. ;小提琴
    Can you play the violin? ;你会拉小提琴吗?
    visit/'vizit/n.& vt. ;访问,参观
    Most tourists in London visit the British Museum. ;去伦敦的游客多半要去 参观不列颠博物馆。
    visitor/'vizit/n. ;访问者,参观者
    The old lady never has any visitors. ;从来没有人来探望这个 老太太。
    volleyball /'vlib:l/n. ;排球
    We are playing volleyball. ;我们正在打排球。
    W ;
    wait/weit/vi. ;等,等候
    You'll have to wait until the end of the month before I can pay you. ;你得到月底我才能付给 你钱。
    waiter/'weit/n. ;侍者,服务员
    We haven't seen any waiters since we came in. ;自从我们进来到现在还 没见到一个服务员。
    waitress/'weitris/n. ;女侍者,女服务员
    There's no waitress at the restaurant. ;这家餐馆里没有女服务员
    wake/weik/vi. (woke/wuk/, woken/'wukn/) ;醒
    She had just woken from a deep sleep. ;她刚从熟睡中醒来。
    walk/w:k/vi. walk/w:k/n. ;走,散步 散步
    Let's go for a short walk. ;让我们散散步吧。
    wall/w:l/n. ;墙
    The garden wall is very thick. ;那座城堡的墙很厚。
    want/wnt/vt. ;要,想要
    I want a bicycle for my birthday. ;我生日的时候想要一辆 自行车。
    warm/w:m/adj. ;暖和的
    Food for a baby should be warm,not hot. ;给婴儿吃的东西应该是 温的,不能是烫的。
    was/wz/ ;(动词 am,is的过去式)
    He was doing his homework. ;他正在做家庭作业。
    wash/w/vt.& vi. ;漱洗,洗东西
    Have you ever washed your shirt? ;你把衬衫洗了吗?
    washing/'wi/n. ;洗
    The sweater had shrunk after repeated washings. ;这件套头毛衣洗过多次 多次已经缩水了。
    watch/wt/vt. ;观看,注视
    Do you often watch television? ;你常看电视吗?
    watch/wt/n. ;手表
    Your watch is so nice. ;你的手表真漂亮。
    water/'w:t/n. ;水
    Would you like some water? ;你要喝点水吗?
    water/'w:t/vt. ;浇水,灌溉
    Water the flower! ;给花浇点水吧!
    way/wei/n. ;路,道路;方式,方法。
    This is the way to the school. ;这是学校的路。
    You can see the way his mind works when you read his books. ;看他写的书就能了解他的 思维方式。
    weak/wi:k/adj. ;差的,弱的,淡的
    Her school report shows that she is weak at arithmetic and biology. ;从她的学习成绩单可看出 她算术和生物成绩很差。
    wear/w/vt. (wore/w:/,wore) ;穿戴
    He wore a gold chain round his neck. ;他戴着金项链。
    weather/'we/n. ;天气
    The weather changes often. ;天气变化无常。
    week/'wi:k/n. ;周,星期
    Will you come and see us next week? ;你下星期来看我们好吗?
    weekday/'wi:kdei/n. ;周日
    I often go swimming on weekday. ;我经常在周日去游泳。
    welcome/'welkm/adj. ;受欢迎的
    She is a welcome guest ;她是一个受欢迎的客人。
    well/wel/interj. ;噢,好吧
    Well,what a surprise! ;啊!居然如此!
    well/wel/adj.& adv. ;好
    The job's done,that's all well and good,but what about the bonus we were promised? ;工作完成了,好倒是好, 但是答应我们的奖金给 不给?
    were/w:/ ;(动词 are 的过去式)
    If I were you,I would apologize to her. ;如果我是你的话,我就会 去向她道歉。
    west/west/n.& adj. ;西,西方
    The rain is coming from the west. ;这场雨是从西面来的。
    wet/wet/adj. ;湿的,多雨的
    It was the wettest October in many years. ;多年来十月份从来没下 过这么多雨。
    what/wt/pron.& adj. ;什么
    What is this? ;这是什么?
    when/wen/adv. when/wen/conj. ;什么时候,何时 当。。。时
    He came at a time when we needed help. ;他在我们需要人帮忙的 时候来到的。
    where/w/adv. ;在哪里
    Where do you live? ;你住哪里?
    whether/'we/conj. ;是否
    I asked him whether he had done all the work himself or whether he had had any assistance ;我问他这些工作都是他 自己做的还是别人帮他 做的。
    which/wit/adj.& pron ;哪一个,哪些
    Which shoes should I wear? ;我该穿哪一双鞋?
    while/wail/conj. ;当。。。的时候, 和。。。同时
    He fell asleep while doing his homework. ;他做着做着功课就 睡着了。
    white/wait/adj. ;白色的
    The colour of snow is white. ;雪的颜色是白色的。
    who/hu:/pron. ;谁
    Who's at the door? ;谁在门口?
    whole/hul/adj. ;整个的
    The whole town was destroyed by the earthquake. ;整个小镇已遭地震摧毁。
    whom/hu:m/pron. ;谁,哪个人
    To whom should I refer the matter? ;我应该找谁办这件事?
    whose/hu:z/pron. ;谁的
    Whose car is that? ;这辆汽车是谁的?
    why/wai/adv. ;为什么
    I don't know why the meeting was postponed. ;我不知道会议为什么延期
    wide/waid/adj. ;宽阔的,广泛的
    The gap in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to get through. ;篱笆上的豁口宽度刚好 能让羊钻过去。
    widely/'waidli/adv. ;广阔地,广泛地
    It is widely known that the panda is our national treasure. ;众所周知大熊猫是国宝。
    wife/waif/n. ;妻子
    She was a good wife and mother. ;她是个贤妻良母。
    will/wil/v.aux. ;将,会,愿,要
    We will fight on until final victory is won. ;我们一定要战斗到赢得 最后胜利。
    win/win/vt. (won/wn/,won) ;获得,赢得
    They are trying to win support for their proposal. ;他们竭力争取群众支持 他们的建议。
    wind/wind/n. ;风
    A gust of wind blew my hat off. ;一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了
    window/'windu/n. ;窗
    Open the window,please ;请开窗。
    windy/'windi/adj. ;有风的,风大的
    It's a windy day. ;今天风很大。
    winner/'win/n. ;获胜者
    The winner was presented with a trophy. ;获胜者得到了奖品。
    winter/'wint/n. ;冬天,冬季
    The plants have survived the winter. ;这些植物经过冬天没有 冻死。
    wish/wi/n.& vt. ;祝愿;希望,想要
    It's no use wishing for things you can't have. ;想要得不到的事物是 徒劳的。
    with/wi/prep. ;关于,对于,带着; 和,用
    Misery acquaints men with strange bedfellows. ;[谚]落难时不择伙伴。
    without/wi'aut/prep. ;无,没有
    You can't leave the country without a passport. ;没有护照就不能离开这个 国家。
    woman/'wumn/n. ;妇女
    Is your doctor a man or a woman? ;你的医生是男的还是女的
    women/'wimin/(pl.)n. ;(woman 的复数形式)
    The women and children hid in the caves for safety. ;妇女跟孩子为了安全而 躲在洞中。
    wonderful /'wndful/adj. ;极好的,精彩的
    The weather is wonderful. ;天气好极了。
    wood/wud/n. ;木头,木材
    There are many kinds of wood growing in this forest. ;这片森林出产各种木材。
    wool/wul/n. ;羊毛,绒线
    These goats are specially bred for their wool. ;这些山羊是专为剪取 羊毛而饲养的。
    woollen/'wuln/adj. ;羊毛,羊毛制的
    How beautiful the woollen blanket is! ;这条毛毯多漂亮呀!
    word/w:d/n. ;词,话语
    "Good" is not the word for it.You ought to have said "sublime". ;“好”这字眼在这儿用得 不恰当,你应该说 “崇高”。
    work/w:k/n. work/w:k/vi. ;工作,劳动 (使)工作,劳动
    I work as a doctor. ;我当医生。
    workbook/'w:kbuk/n. ;练习册
    Everybody,please take out your workbook. ;同学们,请把你们的 练习册拿出来。
    worker/'w:k/n. ;工人
    I am a mental worker. ;我是个脑力劳动者。
    workplace /'w:kpleis/n. ;工作场所,车间
    Our workplace has a nice atmosphere. ;我们的工作有着良好的 工作氛围。
    world/w:ld/n. ;世界
    The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war. ;整个世界都会受到核 战争的波及。
    worry/'wri/vt.& vi. ;(使)担忧
    Don't worry!Everything will be all right. ;别发愁!一切都会好的。
    worried/'wrid/adj. ;担心的,烦恼的
    There's no need to look so worried! ;不必那么愁眉苦脸的!
    worse/w:s/adj. ;(bad 的比较级) 更坏的
    You're working worse than I expected. ;你干得比我预料的更差。
    worst/w:st/adj. ;(bad 的最高级) 最坏的
    The others weren't good but she played the worst of all. ;其他人演得不好,但是 她演的最糟。
    write/rait/vt. (wrote/rut/, written/'ritn/) ;写
    Did you write down the telephone number? ;电话号码你记下了吗?
    writer/'tait/n. ;作者,作家
    He is a writer but he can't make enough money to live from his book. ;他是作家,可是光靠 写作不足以维生。
    wrong/r/adj. ;错误的,不正确的
    Small children do not know right from wrong. ;小孩子不懂是非。
    Y ;
    year/j:/n. ;年
    The school year is broken up with many holidays. ;学年中有许多假期。
    yellow/'jelu/adj. ;黄色的
    Do you want the yellow paper or the white one? ;你想要黄色的纸还是 白色的?
    yesterday /'jestdi/n.& adv. ;昨天
    I saw him at yesterday's meeting. ;我在昨天的会议上看到 他了。
    yet/jet/adv. ;尚,还,仍然,已经
    She was not yet sure if she could trust him ;她还没有把握确定是否 相信他。
    young/j/adj. ;年轻的,年幼的
    He is a young person. ;他是个年轻人。
    your/j:/pron. ;你的,你们的
    Your hands are dirty. ;你的手很脏。
    yours/j:z/pron. ;你的, 你们的
    This house is yours. ;这间屋子是你的。
    yourself /j:'self/pron. ;你自己
    You'll hurt yourself if you play with the scissors. ;你玩剪刀的话会伤到 自己的。
    yourselves /j:'selvz/pron. ;你们自己
    You can try it out for yourselves. ;你们自己可以试一试。
    Z ;
    zero/'ziru/n. ;零
    It was five below zero last night. ;昨天夜里气温为零下五度
    zoo./zu:/n. ;动物园
    Let's go to the zoo and watch the monkeys. ;让我们去动物园看猴子。
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