Situation 4:
Back at Home(Mr. and Mrs. Lee are still back at home.
They are talking about the idea of speaking only English. )
I am not sure that speaking only English is a good idea
Why not?
Well,I'm worried that Michael will forget Korean.
That is impossible.
No,it's not.
Of course it is. Even if we speak English to Michael,
he will watch Korean television,listen to Korean songs,
and go to Korean school.How can he forget?
You're right.I don't have to worry.
But why are we speaking English to each other?
Because if we don't speak English, then Michael won't either.
But my English is not very good.
Yes it is. And it will get better if you speak it more.
That is true.And,even though it will be difficult,
I will do it for my son.
Thank you. I knew you would understand.
That is what parents are for. It is our job to help him.
Yes.(Mrs.Lee Vooks at the
clock. ) What time do you have to go to work?
By nine o'clock Why?
Well,it's already eight-fifteen
Oh.I should go.
Good-bye. See you tonight.
Good-bye.I'll be home by seven.