A rough looking fellow strolled into the bank and walked up to the teller.
"I wanna open a god-damned checking account. "
"CertainLy, sir," replied the young lady, “but there's no need to use that kind of language."
"Hey, get your ass in gear, will ya? I’m in a hurry. ',
"Sir, I’m not used to being spoken to in that way. "
"I wanna open a fucking checking account, and I want to do it now, understand?"
"Sir, I'm going to get the manager," said the indignant young lady.
Soon she returned with the manager, a dignified white haired gentleman, who asked, "What seems to be the trouble, sir?"
不久她带了经理回来,那位满头白发、看起来很庄严的老先生问道:“先生,到底有什么问题吗? ’
“I just won $10,000,000 in the lottery, and I want to open a goddamn checking account. "
"I see," said the manager warmly. "And this bitch is giving you trouble?"