愚人笑话:3、 The front half 头等舱
教程:英语幽默  浏览:3632  
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    3. The front half

    A blonde got on an airplane and sat down in the first class section. The flight attendant1 told her that she must move to coach2 because she didn't have a first class ticket. The blonde replied, "As long as there's an available seat, I'm staying in the first class until we reach New York."

    The flight attendant got the head flight attendant, who asked the lady to leave. Again, she said, "As long as there's an available seat, I'm staying in the first class until we reach New York."

    The flight attendants didn't know what to do, so they got to the copilot3. The copilot went to the blonde and whispered4 in her ear. She immediately got up and went to her seat in the coach section.

    The head flight attendant was very surprised and asked the copilot what he had said to get her to move, the copilot replied, "I told her the front half of the airplane wasn't going to New York."


    1. attendant 乘务员

    2. coach 客车,经济舱

    3. copilot 飞机副驾驶员

    4. whisper 耳语






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      上一篇:愚人笑话:2、 Why do you never phone me? 怎么从不给我打电话 下一篇:愚人笑话:4、 Microwave 微波炉

