57 How to answer? 怎样回答?
My wife is pregnant. Since I am working in a non-profit organization, pregnancy and birth are covered under “workman's compensation.” Filling out the forms, we have to answer the questions like: “Describe in detail how and where this accident occurred,” “What could have been done to prevent this accident” and “What will you do in the future to prevent this accident from happening again?”我太太怀孕了。由于我在一个非营利机构工作,怀孕和生产的费用由“工伤保险”来支付。填写表格的时候,我们必须回答下面这样的问题:“详细描述这个事故是在哪里和怎样发生的。”“事先做什么可以防止这个事故发生?”“将来准备怎样做来防止这种事故再次发生?”