76 Unnecessary Warning 不必要的警告
During a business trip to Boeing's Everett, Wash., factory, I noticed several 747 and 777 airliners being assembled. Before the engines were installed, huge 14,000 lbs. weights were hung from the wings to keep the planes balanced. Imprinted on the side of each weight was the warning: “Remove before flight.”到华盛顿州埃弗雷特波音飞机工厂去谈生意,我看到一些正在装配中的747和777飞机。在没有装发动机之前,为了使飞机保持平衡,从飞机的翅膀往下挂两块14000磅重的巨大重物。在这些重物的侧面印有警告:“飞行前先拿掉”。