97 I'll take all three 三只我都买了
When a woman requested a whole roaster at the market, the butcher didn't let on that the bird was the last one. “Do you have one a little larger?” she asked. “Of course,” said the butcher. He took the roaster behind the counter, away from view, and made a lot of noise rolling it around the ice as if he were searching for just the right chicken. He then showed the same bird to her. “Better,” she said. “Do you have one with a little more meat on it?” He took the chicken, rolled it in the ice and offered it up a third time. “Great,” the woman said. “I'll take all three.”当一个女顾客说她要买一只整鸡的时候,卖肉的人没有告诉她这是最后一只。她问:“你有没有比这只大一点的?”卖肉的说:“当然。”他把这只鸡拿到柜台后面看不见的地方,把鸡放在冰上滚得沙沙响,好像他正在找一只合适的鸡。然后,他把同一只鸡拿给她看。她说:“这只好一点。你还有没有肉多一些的?”他拿这只鸡又放在冰上滚,然后拿上来第三次给她看。她说:“太好了,三只我都买了。”