125 He wants to talk with you 上帝要和你说话
My co-worker and I were making a sales call to a rural Baptist church. We gave our presentation to the church committee, and then the group's chairman walked to the altar and knelt down. After about a minute of silent prayer, he returned and announced in a solemn tone, “The Lord tells me we should wait.” My colleague walked to the altar and knelt down himself. Then he returned to the group, looked at the chairman and declared, “He wants to talk with you again.”我和我的同事正在向一间乡村基督教浸信会推销商品。我们给教会的领导们作了演示介绍。然后他们的头儿走到祭坛前跪下来,默默祷告大约一分钟之后,他走回来,宣布说:“上帝告诉我,我们应该等待。”我的同事也走到祭坛前跪下来。然后他走回来,看着他们的头儿宣布说:“上帝还要和你说话。”