165 Lubbock, Texas 德州鲁鲍克
Stormy weather diverted our Dallas-bound flight to another airport. As we approached the runway, the pilot came on the intercom: “For those of you who are not familiar with the area, this is Lubbock, Texas.” Then he paused. “And for those of you who are familiar with this area, this is also Lubbock, Texas.”暴风雨迫使我们飞往达拉斯的飞机转向另一个机场。当我们贴近跑道的时候,飞行员在通话器里说:“对于你们中不熟悉这个地区的人来说,这里是德州鲁鲍克。”然后他停顿了一下说:“对于你们中熟悉这个地区的人来说,这里也是德州鲁鲍克。”