169 Beautiful Maple Doors 漂亮的枫木门
We got lucky when we heard the old Piedmont Hotel in Atlanta was getting a face-lift and its beautiful maple doors became available for sale as salvage items. We bought several and had them installed in our 19th-century home. Showing a friend around our house, I pointed out, “You know, many of these doors are from the Piedmont Hotel.” He raised an eyebrow. “Most people just take towels.”当我们听说亚特兰大市古老的匹特蒙旅馆要装修,它的漂亮的枫木门要廉价出售的时候,我们真是幸运。我们买了几扇门,装在我们家19世纪的房子里。当我带朋友参观我们家的时候,我特意指明有许多门是从匹特蒙旅馆拆过来的。他挑起一条眉毛说:“大多数人只是拿走毛巾。”