187 I can turn him off 我可以把他关掉
After earning my degree in broadcast journalism, I was fortunate to land a job as a disc jockey at a top-rated local radio station. One day before work, I stopped by my parents' house, where my mother was chatting with some friends. She introduced me to everyone and proudly mentioned that I had my own radio show. “How is it having a son who's a popular radio personality?” asked one friend. “It's wonderful!” Mom replied with glee. “For the first time in his life, I can turn him off whenever I please.”获得广播新闻学位以后,我很幸运地在当地一家顶级广播电台里找到一份流行音乐节目主持人的工作。有一天上班之前我到父母家里拐一下。我妈正在和几个朋友聊天。她把我介绍给每一个人,并且骄傲地提到我已经有了自己的广播节目。有一个朋友问:“有一个在电台工作的儿子感觉怎么样?”妈妈高兴地说:“太好了!在他这一生中头一回,只要我愿意,我就可以把他关掉。”