188 A Tip to Stay Awake 保持清醒的诀窍
Tech support people like me spend our days on the phone with customers. Many like to chat while waiting for their computers to reboot. One man told me he'd been a long-haul truck driver. “I'd love to drive a big rig,” I said, “but I'd worry about falling asleep at the wheel.” “Here's a tip to stay awake,” he offered. “Put a $100 bill in your left hand and hold it out the window.”像我这样的技术支持人员成天在电话里和顾客交谈。有许多人在等电脑重新启动的时候喜欢聊天。有一名男子告诉我,他曾经是长途卡车司机。我说:“我喜欢开大卡车,但是又担心开车的时候会睡着。”他说:“有一个诀窍可以让你保持清醒。把一张一百美元的大票放在左手里,把手伸到窗外去。”