961 Burnt Mattress 烧焦的床垫
Sitting through fire safety and prevention programs can make anyone nod off. So the instructor tried to lighten the mood by going around the room asking where all the guests were from. “Burnt Mattress, Arkansas,” called out the friend sitting next to me. “Burnt Mattress!” said the instructor, suppressing a laugh. “I've heard some unusual town names before, but never that one. Where's it located?” My friend shot back, “Right above Hot Springs.”
坐在那里听用火安全和预防火灾课程是很容易打瞌睡的。老师为了让大家清醒,就让学员们轮流讲讲自己是从哪里来的。坐在我旁边的老兄说:“我从阿肯色州伯恩特·梅特来斯(烧焦的床垫)来。”老师忍住了大笑说:“烧焦的床垫!我以前听说过一些不寻常的城市名字,不过从来没听见过这个。它在哪里?”我旁边的老兄大喊说:“就在浩特·斯普林(热的弹簧垫)上面。”(注:弹簧床垫分上下两层,上面一层叫mattress,下面一层叫springs box。)