35. Jeffrey Sachs and Bolivia
One day in 1985 a former student invited the economist Jeffrey Sachs to attend a seminar on Bolivia, which was then suffering from 60,000 percent hyperinflation【1】 —a phenomenon which Sachs had studied and taught but had never actually seen first-hand 【2】 .
After the presentation he stood up. "I don't think it's like that—it's like this," he announced, approaching the blackboard. When he began drawing curves, another member of the audience challenged him: "If you think you know what to do, come to Bolivia."
Sachs laughed, but the invitation was not a joke. Returning home, Sachs found Bolivia on a map and, a few weeks later, boarded a plane. "That's what really fundamentally changed my life, my understanding of things," he later recalled, "the day I stepped off 【3】 the airplane in La Paz—July 9, 1985. And I found that the world was vastly more interesting and more complicated than my equations."
20 years later, the outlook in Bolivia was still rather bleak. "I always told the Bolivians, from the very beginning 【4】 , that what you have here is a miserable, poor economy with hyperinflation," Sachs recalled. "If you are brave, if you are gutsy, if you do everything right, you will end up with 【5】 a miserable, poor economy with stable prices."
·杰弗里·萨克斯(1954— )是美国经济学家,哈佛大学历史上最年轻的经济学教授。他以帮助俄罗斯和东欧其他发展中国家实行“休克疗法”(economic shock therapy)而闻名于世,被《时代》周刊两次(2004年和2005年)评为“全球最有影响力的100人”之一。
【1】 hyperinflation:极度通货膨胀,恶性通货膨胀
【2】 first-hand:直接地
【3】 step off:(从…上)走下来
【4】 from the very beginning:从一开始,从最初
【5】 end up with:以…告终