儿童英语笑话 不合格的医生 Disqualified doctor
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    019 不合格的医生 Disqualified doctor

    Mother took three-year-old boy to a hospital. In order to let the boy relax,the doctor pointed to his ear and said,"Kid,is this your nose"

    The little boy looked at the doctor,turned to his mother and said,"Mom,he can't even tell ears from nose. How can he be a doctor"

    妈妈带 3 岁的小男孩去医院看病。 医生为了让小男孩不那么紧张,就指着他的耳朵逗他说:"小朋友,这是你的鼻子吗?"


      上一篇:儿童英语笑话 爸爸 5 岁了 Dad is five years old 下一篇:儿童英语笑话 一棵树也算不上什么礼物 A tree s not much of a present

