儿童英语笑话 未来的弟弟 The future brother
教程:英语幽默  浏览:291  
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    022 未来的弟弟 The future brother

    The 4-year-old daughter asked her dad how her future brother will be born. Her dad explained,"The head will be out first,then the body,and finally,the two legs. Do you understand"

    "Yes,I do. Dad,then you'll put them together,right"

    4 岁的女儿问爸爸,未来的弟弟是怎么生出来的。 爸爸向她解释道:"先生出头,再生出身子,最后是两条腿,懂了吗?"


      上一篇:儿童英语笑话 通缉犯 The wanted men 下一篇:儿童英语笑话 刚去过 Just have been there

