042 胳膊怎么断了? How s your arm broken?
David went to school with his arm in plaster bandage. His teacher asked him,"What happened to your arm"
David said,"It's broken."
The teacher said,"How"
David said,"Because I was too lazy."
The teacher said,"You broke your arm because you were too lazy"
David said,"When I was walking on the road,a tiny stone ran into one of my shoes. But I didn't want to bend down. So I held a utility pole, trying to shake the stone off the shoe. A passerby thought I got an electric shock,and hit my arm with a stick…"
大卫说:"我走在路上,鞋子里跑进一颗石头,可是我懒得弯腰,就抱着电线杆抖着脚让石头掉出来。 路人以为我触电了,就用棍子打我的胳膊……"
plaster n. 石膏 bandage n. 绷带
bend v. ( 使) 弯曲,屈身 passerby n. 过路人