学生英语笑话 非洲野猪 African wild boars
教程:英语幽默  浏览:201  
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    086 非洲野猪 African wild boars

    A biology teacher was describing the African wild boars in class when he found that most of the students were taking a nap. He angrily shouted, "Look at me! How can you know the appearance of African wild boars if you don't look at me"

    生物老 师 正 在 讲 台 上 描 述 非 洲 野 猪,竟发现多数学生在打瞌睡。他生气地喝道:"你们要看着我啊!不看我,怎么知道非洲野猪长什么模样?"

    biology n. 生物( 学) boar n. 野猪

      上一篇:学生英语笑话 谁在吵闹? Who is so noisy? 下一篇:学生英语笑话 证明 The proof

