学生英语笑话 老师报成绩 Teacher announces test results
教程:英语幽默  浏览:189  
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    088 老师报成绩 Teacher announces test results

    The math teacher is announcing the mid-term exam results,"The number of students who got above ninety is the same as above eighty. The number of students who got eighties is the same as got seventies."

    The whole class burst into cheers as soon as he finished his words. A student still worried:"What about the number of students who failed"

    The teacher slowly continued,"The number of students who failed is the same as the number of students in the class."

    数学老师在宣布期中考试的成绩:"90 分以上和 80 分以上的人数一样多,80分以上和70分以上的人数也一样多。"

    他的话刚说完,全班一阵欢呼。 一位同学不放心地追问:"那么不及格的人数呢?"


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