092 这个纪录永远不会被打破了 That record will stand forever
Back at my high school for the tenth reunion,I met my old coach. Walking through the gym,we came upon a plaque on which I was still listed as the record holder for the longest softball throw. Noticing my surprise,the coach said,"That record will stand forever." I was about to make some modest comment that records exist to be broken,when he added,"We stopped holding that event years ago."
高中毕业 10 年以后回母校团聚,碰到以前的教练。 我们穿过体育馆的时候,看到一块牌匾,上面刻着我的名字,我仍然是棒球投掷最远纪录保持者。注意到我的诧异,教练说:"这个纪录永远不会被打破了。"我刚想谦虚几句说纪录的存在就是为了被打破,他补充说:"我们几年前就取消这项比赛了。"
reunion n. 团聚 gym n. 体育馆,健身房 plaque n. 牌匾