学生英语笑话 高级手机 An expensive cell phone
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    103 高级手机 An expensive cell phone

    Right before midterm,students reminded each other to bring a calculator to exam. David took out a new cell phone he bought and said, "I only need to bring my cell phone that has a calculator function!" After the examination,David sadly said,"What lousy luck! My cell phone can't calculate square root!"

    期中考试前,大家都互相提醒不要忘了带计算器。 大卫拿出新买的手机说:"我只要带手机就行了,我的手机有计算功能!"考完后,只见大卫伤心地说:"真倒霉,我的手机不能开根号!"

    midterm n. 期中 lousy a. 糟糕的 calculate v. 预测,推测

      上一篇:学生英语笑话 美丽的错误 Beautiful mistake 下一篇:学生英语笑话 兔子打瞌睡 Hare was sleeping

