教程:SBS新英语教程第二册  浏览:6682  
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    SIDE BY SIDE Steven J. Molinsky/ Bill Bliss Book 2;
    CHAPTER 9;
    The Blackout;
    Last night at 8:00 there was a blackout in Centerville.;
    The lights went out all over town.;
    A.What was Doris doing last night when the lights went out?;
    B.She was taking a bath.;
    A.What were Mr. and Mrs. Green doing last night when the lights went out?;
    B.They were riding in an elevator.;
    Do exercise.;
    I Saw You Yesterday, but You Didn't See Me;
    A.I saw you yesterday, but you didn't see me. B.Really?When?;
    A.At about 2:30. You were getting out of a taxi on Main Street.;
    B.That wasn't me. Yesterday 2:30 I was cooking dinner.;
    A.Hmm.I guess I made a mistake.;
    Do exercise.;
    There was a robbery at 151 River Street yesterday afternoon.;
    Burglars broke into every apartment in the building while all tenants were out.;
    The man in Apartment 1 wasn't home.;
    He was washing his clothes at the laundromat:;
    The woman in Apartment 2 wasn't home either. She was visiting a friend in the hospital;
    The people in Apartment 3 were gone. They were having a picnic at the beach.;
    The man in Apartment 4 was out. He was playing tennis in the park.;
    The college students in Apartment 5 were away.;
    They were attending a football game.;
    And the elderly lady in Apartment 6 was out of town.;
    She was visiting her grandchildren in Ohio.;
    Yesterday certainly was an unfortunate day for the people at 151 River Street.;
    They had no idea that while they were away,;
    burglars broke into every apartment in the building.;
    He Went to the Movies by Himself;
    A.What did John do yesterday? B.He went to the movies.;
    A.Oh.Who did he go to the movies with? B.Nobody.He went to the movies by himself.;
    Do exercise.;
    I Had a Bad Day Today;
    A.You look upset. B.I had a bad day today.;
    A.Why?What happened? B.I lost my wallet while I was jogging through the park.;
    A.I'm sorry to hear that.;
    A.Harry looks upset. B.He had a bad day today. A.Why?What happened?;
    B.He cut himself while he was shaving. A.That's too bad.;
    Do exercise.;
    Yesterday was Friday the 13th.;
    Many people believe that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky day.;
    I, myself, didn't think so ... until yesterday.;
    Yesterday I cut myself while I was shaving.;
    My wife burned herself while she was cooking breakfast.;
    My son poked himself in the eye while he was putting on his glasses.;
    Our daughter spilled soup all over herself while she was eating dinner.;
    Both our children hurt themselves while they were playing outside.;
    And we all got wet paint all over ourselves;
    while we were sitting in the park across the street.;
    I'm not usually superstitious, but yesterday was a VERY unlucky day.;
    So, the next time it's Friday the 13th, do yourself a favor! Take care of yourself!;
    Listening Listen to the conversations.;
    What happened to these people? Listen and choose the best answer.;
    I saw an accident this morning while I was standing at the corner of Elm Street;
    and Central Avenue.;
    A woman in a small red sports car was driving very quickly down Elm Street.;
    A man in a large green truck was driving along Central Avenue very slowly.;
    While he was driving through the intersection,;
    the woman in the red sports car didn't stop at a stop sign;
    and she crashed into the truck.;
    Fortunately, the woman wasn't hurt, but her nose was bleeding a little.;
    The man in the truck wasn't hurt at all. He was shouting at the lady.;
    I left when the police came. I'm glad nobody was hurt very badly.;
    CHAPTER 10;
    They Couldn't;
    A.Could Peter play on the basketball team when he was a little boy?;
    B.No,he couldn't. He was too short.;
    Do exercise.;
    They Weren't Able to;
    A.Was Jimmy able to left his grandmother's suitcase?;
    B.No,he wasn't able to It was too heavy.;
    Do exercise.;
    She Had to Study for an Examination;
    A.Did Barbara enjoy herself at the concert last night?;
    B.Unfortunately,she wasn't able to go to the concert last night;
    She had to study for an examination.;
    A.Did Barbara enjoy herself at the concert last night?;
    B.Unfortunately,she couldn't go to the concert last night.;
    She had to study for an examination.;
    Do exercise.;
    Mrs. Murphy doesn't know what to do with her students today.;
    They didn't do their homework last night,;
    and now she can't teach the lesson she prepared.;
    Bob couldn't do his homework because he had a stomachache.;
    Sally couldn't do her homework because she was tired and fell asleep early.;
    John couldn't do his homework;
    because he had to visit his grandmother in the hospital.;
    Donna couldn't do her homework because she had to take care of her baby sister;
    while her mother worked late at the office.;
    And all the other students couldn't do their homework;
    because there was a blackout in their neighborhood last night.;
    All the students promise Mrs. Murphy;
    they'll be able to do their homework tonight. She certainly hopes so;
    Listening Listen and choose the best answer.;
    I'm Afraid I Won't Be Able to Help You;
    A.I'm afraid I won't be able to help you move to your new apartment tomorrow.;
    B.You won't?Why not? A.I've got to take my son to the doctor.;
    B.Don't worry about it!I'm sure I'll be able to move to my new apartment by myself.;
    Do exercise.;
    Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are very frustrated.;
    A pipe broke in their bathroom yesterday while Mr. Wilson was taking a shower.;
    They called the plumber, but she couldn't come yesterday.;
    She was sick. She can't come today either. She's too busy.;
    And, unfortunately, she won't be able to come tomorrow because tomorrow is Sunday,;
    and she doesn't work on Sundays.;
    Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are afraid they won't be able to use their shower for quite a while.;
    That's why they're so frustrated.;
    Timmy Brown and all his brothers and sisters are very frustrated.;
    Their television broke yesterday while they were watching their favorite tv program.;
    Their parents called the TV repairman, but he couldn't come yesterday.;
    He was fixing televisions on the other side of town.;
    He can't come today either. His repair truck is broken.;
    And, unfortunately, he won't be able to come tomorrow because he'll be out of town.;
    Timmy Brown and all his brothers;
    and sisters are afraid they won't be able to watch TV for quite a while.;
    That's why they're so frustrated.;
    ON YOUR OWN: Frustrated, Disappointed,and Upset;
    1.George is upset.;
    He got a flat tire,and he won't be able to get to the airport on time.;
    2.Rita is frustrated. She lost her key,and she can't get into her apartment.;
    3.Mrs.Brown's English class is really upset.;
    Mrs.Brown is sick,and she won't be able to teach them English this week.;
    4.Sidney is disappointed.;
    He wasn't able to find a job in New York City;
    and he had to move home with his mother and father.;
    5.Ted was really disappointed last year;
    He couldn't dance in the school play. His teacher said he was too clumsy.;
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