教程:SBS新英语教程第二册  浏览:5469  
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    SIDE BY SIDE Steven J. Molinsky/ Bill Bliss Book 2;
    CHAPTER 11;
    1.Henry had his yearly checkup today.;
    The doctor told him he's a little too heavy and put on this diet:;
    He must eat less bread ,fewer cookies,less candy,;
    and fewer potato chips and other snack foods.;
    Also,he must eat more fish,more vegetables, and more fruit.;
    Do exercise.;
    Carol baked an apple cake yesterday,;
    but she couldn't follow all the instructions in her cookt;
    because she didn't have enough of the ingredients.;
    She used less flour and fewer eggs than the recipe required.;
    She also used less butter, fewer apples, fewer raisins,;
    and less sugaij than she was supposed to.;
    As a result, Carol's apple cake didn't taste very good.;
    As a matter fact, it tasted terrible!;
    Paul cooked beef stew yesterday,;
    but he couldn't follow all the instructions in his cookbook;
    because he didn't have enough of the ingredients.;
    He used less meat and fewer tomatoes than the recipe required.;
    He also used fewer potatoes, less salt, less red wine,;
    and fewer onions than he was supposed to.;
    As a result, Paul's beef stew didn't taste very good.;
    As a matter of fact, it tasted awful!;
    Listening Listen and choose the best words to complete the sentences.;
    I Must Lose Some Weight;
    A.I had my yearly checkup today. B.What did the doctor say?;
    A.He/She told me I'm a little too heavy and I must lose some weight.;
    B.Do you have to stop eating_________?;
    A.No,but I mustn't eat as(much/many)________ as I did before.;
    Do exercise.;
    The Checkup;
    Hello, Roger. Maybe you can help me.;
    1 want to get a medical checkup, but my doctor moved away.;
    You should go to MY doctor ... Dr. Anderson.;
    He'll give you a very complete examination.;
    The nurse will lead you into one of the examination rooms.;
    You'll stand on a scale so the nurse can measure your height and weight.;
    The nurse will leave, and you'll take off your clothes and put on a he gown.;
    Dr. Anderson will come in, shake your hand, and say "hello.";
    First, he'll examine your eyes, ears,nose, and throat.;
    Then, he'll listen to your heart with a stethoscope.;
    Next, he'll take your pulse.;
    Then, he'll take your blood pressure.;
    After that, he'll draw some blood for a blood test.;
    Finally, he'll take a chest X-ray and do a cardiogram.;
    Your Checkup;
    You had a complete physical examination yesterday.;
    Tell us about your visit to the doctor.;
    A.I'm really worried about your heart.;
    B.Really,Doctor? Should I stop eating rich desserts?;
    A.Mr.Jones!You MUST stop eating rich desserts!;
    If you don't you're going go have serious problems with your heart some day.;
    Do exercise.;
    CHAPTER 12;
    Will They Be Home This Evening?;
    A.Will you be home this evening? B.Yes,I will.I'll be reading.;
    Do exercise.;
    Hi,Gloria. This Is Arthur.;
    A. Hi, Gloria. This is Arthur. Can I come over and visit this evening?;
    B. No, Arthur. I'm afraid I won't be home this evening.;
    I'll be shopping at the supermarket.;
    A. Oh. Can I come over and visit tomorrow evening?;
    B. No, Arthur.;
    I'm afraid I won't be home tomorrow evening I'll be working late the office.;
    A.I see.Can I come over and visit this WEEKEND?;
    B.No,Arthur.I'll be visiting my sister in New York.;
    A.Oh.Well,can I come over and visit next Wednesday?;
    B.No,Arthur.I'll be visiting my uncle in the hospital.;
    A.How about sometime next SPRING?;
    B.No,Arthur.I'll be getting married next spring.;
    A. Oh.!! B. Good-bye.;
    How Long Will Your Anut Gertrude Be Staying with Us?;
    A.How long will your Aunt Gertrude be staying with us?;
    B.She'll be staying with us for a few months.;
    Do exercise.;
    Thanksgiving is this week, and several of our relatives from out of town;
    will be staying with us during the long holiday weekend.;
    Uncle Frank will be staying for a few days;
    He'll be sleeping on the couch in the living room.;
    Grandma and Grandpa will be staying until next Monday.;
    They'll be sleeping in the guest room over the garage.;
    Cousin Bertha will be staying for a week or more.;
    She'll be sleeping on a cot in the children's bedroom.;
    My wife and I will be busy for the next few days.;
    She'll be preparing Thanksgiving dinner,;
    and I'll be cleaning the house from top to bottom.;
    We're looking forward to the holiday, but we know we'll be happy when it's over.;
    Happy Thanksgiving!;
    Will You Be Home Today at About Five O'Clock?;
    A.Hello,Richard. This is Julie.;
    I want to return the tennis racket I borrowed from you last week.;
    Will you be home today at about five o'clock? B.Yes, I will. I'll be cooking dinner;
    A.Oh.Then I won't come over at five. B.Why not?;
    A.I don't want to disturb you. You'll be cooking dinner!;
    B.Don't worry. You won't disturb me. A.Okay.See you at five;
    Jessica is growing up.;
    Very soon she'll be walking, she'll be talking,;
    and shell he playing with the other children in the neighborhood.;
    Jessica can't believe how quickly time flies!;
    She won't be a baby very much longer. Soon she'll be a little girl.;
    Tommy is growing up.;
    Very soon he'll be shaving, he'll be driving, and he'll be going out on dates.;
    Tommy can't believe how quickly time flies!;
    He won't be a little boy very much longer. Soon he'll be a teenager.;
    Kathy is growing up.;
    Very soon she'll be going to college, she'll be living away from home,;
    and she'll be starting a career.;
    Kathy can't believe how quickly time flies!;
    She won't be a teenager very much longer.;
    Soon she'll be a young adult.;
    Peter and Sally are getting older.;
    Very soon they'll be getting married, they'll be having children,;
    and they'll be buying a house.;
    Peter and Sally can't believe how quickly time flies!;
    They won't be young adults very much longer.;
    Soon they'll be middle-aged. Walter is getting oldevr.;
    Very soon he'll be reaching the age of sixty-five, he'll be retiring,;
    and he'll be taking it easy for the first time in his life.;
    Walter can't believe how quickly time flies!;
    He won't be middle-aged very much longer.;
    Soon he'll be a senior citizen.;
    Listening Listen and choose the best answer.;
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