100 Formulas on English Conversation ;英语会话速成100公式
Unit 76 That sounds good. ;听起来不错
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:What should I bring to Tom's? B:Do you have any games? ;A:我们应该带什么东西 到汤姆家? B:你有游戏碟吗?
A:Yeah,I could bring Bingo. B:That sounds good. ;A:有,我可以带"宾果游戏 来. B:听起来不错.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:John had a pretty bad day today.What should I tell his mother? ;A:约翰今天很不好.我应 该告诉他妈妈什么?
B:Just tell her what he was doing. ;B:就告诉她他所做的.
A:Is that all? B:Well,I guess you can talk about how good he normally is. ;A:就这样? B:对,我想你可以告诉她, 他平常多好.
Practice ;句型练习
What should I bring to Tom's? What should I do about Mary? ;我应该带什么东西到汤姆 家? 关于玛丽,我应该怎么办?
What should I tell his mother? What should I take for a cold? ;我应该告诉他妈妈什么? 我感冒了,应该吃什么?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
bad normally cold ;不好 通常 感冒
Unit 77 It's worth a shot. ;值得一试
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:What can we do to kill some time? B:We could go for some ping pong. ;A:我们怎么打发时间? B:我们可以去打乒乓球.
A:Nah,how about a movie? B:Okay. ;A:不好,去看电影好吗? B:好啊.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:This door has been jammed shut for a year now. ;A:这扇门卡住已经一年了
B:What can we do to break the door down? ;B:怎样才能把它拿下来?
A:I don't know.I've never tried that before. ;A:我不知道.我以前从来 没试过.
B:Me neither,but it's worth a shot. ;B:我也没有,但值得一试.
Practice ;句型练习
What can we do to kill some time? What can we do to make him feel better? ;我们怎么才能打发时间? 我们要怎么做才能使他 觉得好过?
What can we do to finish on time? What can we do to break the door down? ;我们要怎样才能准时做完 我们怎样才能把整扇门 拿下来?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
worth shot kill ;值得 尝试 打发(时间)
jammed shut ;卡住 关
try finish ;尝试 完成
Unit 78 You might call back then. ;你可以那时候再打电话来
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I'm calling to see if the teaching position has been filled. ;A:我打电话来查看那个老 师的职位是否有人充任 了.
B:That position hasn't actually opened yet. ;B:事实上,那个职位尚未 正式公开.
A:Oh. When will the position open? ;A:噢,什么时候公开?
B:It should officially open this Friday.You might call back then ;B:应该在星期五正式公布 你可以那时再打电话来
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I need to run to the store before it closes B:When will the store close? ;A:我需要在商店关门之前 赶去一趟. B:商店几点关门?
A:At 10:00. B:Oh,you have plenty of time. ;A:10点. B:噢,你还有很多时间.
Practice ;句型练习
When will the position open?When will the store close? When will they come? ;那个职位什么时候公开? 商店几点关门? 他们什么时候会来?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
position fill actually ;职位 派人充任 实际上;事实上
open yet ;公开 尚未
officially store close ;正式的 商店 (商店)打烊
Unit 79 When are we leaving for New York? ;我们什么时候要去纽约?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:When are we leaving for New York? B:As soon as I finish my dinner. ;A:我们什么时候去纽约? B:我吃完晚饭就走.
A:When do you think that will be? B:Probably no more than 20 minutes. ;A:你想那是什么时候? B:可能不会超过20分钟.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I'm really nervous about my report. B:When are you presen- ting your report? ;A:我对我的报告很紧张. B:你什么时候要作报告?
A:Tomorrow morning. B:Don't worry about it I'm sure it will go fine. ;A:明天早上. B:别担心.我确信一切都 会很好.
Practice ;句型练习
When are we leaving for New York?When are you presenting your report? ;我们什么时候要去纽约? 你什么时候要作报告?
When are they going to buy a car? When are we meeting? ;他们什么时候要买车? 我们什么时候见面?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
really nervous report ;真的 紧张的 报告
present worry ;提出报告 担忧
sure meet ;确定 见面
Unit 80 Is 10 o'clock too early? ;十点会太早吗?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:All I've been doing since I hurt my knee is laying around. ;A:自从我的膝盖伤了之后 我就成天没事可做.
B:When are you going to get some exercise ;B:你什么时候可以做运动
A:I can't put weight on it for 3 more days B:Well,just make the best of it. ;A:我的膝盖还有3天才可 以用力. B:噢,你就顺其自然好了.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I guess I'll see you tomorrow. B:When are you going to come over? ;A:那我们明天见了. B:你什么时候要来?
A:Is 10:00 too early? B:No,that's great. ;A:10点会太早吗? B:不会,那个时间很好.
Practice ;句型练习
When are you going to start paying attention When are you going to get some exercise? ;你什么时候才开始注意? 你什么时候要做运动?
When are you going to come over? When are you going to take a shower? ;你什么时候要来? 你什么时候要去洗澡?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
early since hurt ;早 自从 伤害
knee exercise weight ;膝盖 运动 重量
start attention shower ;开始 注意;注意力 淋浴
Unit 81 I'm getting kind of tired. ;我有点累
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I'm getting kind of tired. B:When would you like to leave? ;A:我有点累. B:你什么时候走?
A:I'm ready whenever. B:Okay,I'll get my things. ;A:我随时可以走. B:好的,我去拿我的东西.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Are you hungry? B:Not really. ;A:你饿了吗? B:不太饿.
A:Oh. When would you like to eat? B:How about in an hour ;A:噢,你想什么时候吃饭? B:一小时之后好吗?
Practice ;句型练习
When would you like to leave?When would you like to sing?When would you like to eat? ;你什么时候走? 你想什么时候唱? 你想什么时候吃饭?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
tired leave ready ;疲倦的 离开 准备好
whenever hungry really ;无论何时 饿 真的
hour sing ;(时间单位)小时 唱歌
Unit 82 Is everyone here yet? ;每一个人都到了吗?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Do you want to tag along while I run some errands? ;A:我办事情时,你要不要 一起来?
B:When can we go to the mall? ;B:我们何时去购物中心?
A:We could go after I drop Mary off. B:Yeah. I guess I'll go with you then. ;A:玛丽下车后我们就能去 B:好,那我想跟你一起去.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Is everyone here yet I want to open the present now. ;A:每一个人都到了吗? 我现在要打开礼物了.
B:Not yet,Billy.Have a little patience. ;B:还不能,比利.要有耐心
A:When can I open the presents? ;A:我什么时候可以开礼物
B:Calm down,Billy. It'll be time soon enough. ;B:比利,别急.很快就可以 开了.
Practice ;句型练习
When can we talk on the phone? ;我们什么时候可以打电话 聊天?
When can we go to the mall? ;我们什么时候可以去大型 购物中心?
When can we eat dinner When can I open the presents? ;我们什么时候可以吃晚饭 我什么时候可以开礼物?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
yet errand mall ;已经 杂务 大型购物中心
guess present ;猜想 礼物
patience calm ;耐心 冷静
soon enough phone ;很快地 足够的 电话
Unit 83 Do you want to come by ;你要一起去吗?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where is your mom? B:She ran to the store ;A:你母亲在哪里? B:她到商店去了.
A:Do you think she'll mind if you left while she was gone? ;A:你认为如果她不在时你 离开,她会介意吗?
B:I'd better wait for her to get back. ;B:我最好等她回来.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I'm going to John's. Do you want to come by? ;A:我要去约翰家,你要 一起去吗?
B:Sure. But I need directions.Where is John's house? ;B:好啊,但是我需要你告 诉我怎么走.约翰家在 哪里?
A:It's on the corner of 5th and Maple. B:Oh,I think I've been there after all. ;A:他家在第五街和梅波街 的转角处. B:噢,我想我以前去过.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is the mall? Where is your dog? ;大型购物中心在哪里? 你的狗在哪里?
Where is John's house? Where is your mom? ;约翰家在哪里? 你母亲在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
store mind while ;商店 介意 当...的时候
left wait ;离开(过去式) 等
directions corner ;方向指示 角落
Unit 84 I almost forgot them. ;我差点忘了
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I've got the gifts all ready. B:Okay. Where are the cards? ;A:我把礼物都准备好了. B:好,卡片在哪里?
A:Oh,I almost forgot them. They're in the drawer. ;A:噢,我差点忘了. 卡片在抽屉里.
B:Make sure you get them. ;B:要记得拿.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Honey,where are my papers? ;A:亲爱的,我的文件在哪?
B:I haven't seen them. Have you checked your briefcase? ;B:我没有看到.你查看过 你的手提箱吗?
A:There they are. Thanks. B:That's where they usually are. ;A:文件在手提箱里,谢谢. B:它们通常都在那里.
Practice ;句型练习
Where are the phone books? Where are the cards? Where are my papers? ;电话薄在哪里? 卡片在哪里? 我的文件在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
almost forgot gift ;几乎 忘记(过去式) 礼物
ready card drawer ;准备好 卡片 抽屉
paper check ;文件 查一查
briefcase usually ;手提箱 通常
Unit 85 I'm just checking. ;我只是问问看
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Are you going to come watch me? B:Maybe. Where is you play showing? ;A:你要来看我吗? B:或许.你在哪里表演?
A:At the school.Where else would it be? B:I don't know. I'm just checking. ;A:在学校.还会在哪里呢? B:我不知道.只是问问看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where is your brother moving? B:Florida. ;A:你哥哥要搬去哪里? B:去佛罗里达.
A:That's pretty far away. Do you think you'll miss him? ;A:那很远.你会想念他吗?
B:Probably.He's never been that far away. ;B:可能会.他从没去过那 么远的地方.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is your play showing? Where is your store opening? ;你在哪里表演? 你的店开在哪里?
Where is the restaurant being built Where is your brother moving? ;饭店要建在哪里? 你哥哥要搬去哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
check play show ;查一查 戏剧 演出
move pretty ;搬家 非常;相当
far miss ;远的 想念
probably built restaurant ;或许;可能的 建立 餐馆;饭店
Unit 86 You might try it. ;你可以试试看
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where do you do your banking? B:Bank of America. Why? ;A:你都在哪一家银行存款 B:美国银行.为什么要问?
A:I'm looking for a bank. ;A:我在找一家银行.
B:Oh. I like it pretty well.You might try it. ;B:噢,我认为美国银行不 错.你可以试试看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where do you buy groceries? B:Usually at Grand grocer's. ;A:你都在哪里买杂货? B:我通常在格蓝杂货店.
A:Is that close? B:Sure. It's just around the corner. ;A:那一家近吗? B:很近,就在转角处.
Practice ;句型练习
Where do you do your banking? Where do you buy groceries? ;你都在哪家银行存款? 你都在哪里买杂货?
Where do you store your broom? Where do you put the clippers? ;你的扫帚在哪里? 你的回形针放在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
try bank buy ;尝试 银行 买
groceries usually grocer ;食品杂货 通常 杂货店
around corner broom ;大约在 角落 扫帚
store clipper ;商店 回形针
Unit 87 Today's game is already sold out. ;今天球赛的票已经卖光了
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where do I go to buy tickets? B:For today's game? ;A:我该到哪里买票? B:今天的球赛吗?
A:Yes. B:I'm sorry,but today's game is already sold out. ;A:是的. B:很抱歉,今天球赛的票 已经卖光了.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Are you finding everything all right B:No.Where do I go to do laundry? ;A:你一切都没有问题吗? B:不是,我要到哪里去沅 衣服.
A:Oh,I forgot to tell you.The laundry room is in the basement of the apartments. ;A:噢,我忘了告诉你.洗衣 房在公寓的地下室.
B:Okay. Thanks. ;B:好的,谢谢你.
Practice ;句型练习
Where do I go to buy tickets? Where do I go to exchange this hat? ;我该到哪里买票? 我该到哪里去换这顶帽子
Where do I go to buy scissors? Where do I go to do laundry? ;我该到哪里买剪刀? 我要到哪里去洗衣服?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
already game ticket ;已经 (球类)比赛 票
sorry find laundry ;抱歉;遗憾 找到 待洗或洗好的衣物
forgot room basement ;忘记 房间 地下室
apartment exchange ;公寓 交换
hat scissors ;帽子 剪刀
Unit 88 Are you still looking for a job? ;你还在找工作?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Are you still looking for a job? B:Nope. I got one. ;A:你还在找工作吗? B:没有,我已经找到工作 了.
A:Where did you get a job? B:At the bookstore. ;A:你在哪里找到工作的? B:在书店.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where did you meet your girlfriend? ;A:你在哪里认识你的女朋 友的?
B:We met at the library.We were both reaching for the same book. ;B:我们在图书馆认识的. 我们两个都要拿同一本 书.
A:That sounds like fate. B:Maybe. Sounds more like luck to me. ;A:好像是命运安排好的. B:或许是,更像是我的好 运.
Practice ;句型练习
Where did you get a job? Where did you meet your girlfriend? ;你在哪里找到工作的? 你在哪里认识你的女朋友 的?
Where did you buy your stereo? Where did you get dinner? ;你的音响在哪里买的? 你在哪里吃的晚饭?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
still job meet ;仍然 工作;职位 见面
library reach ;图书馆 伸手去拿
same sound ;相同 听起来
fate luck stereo ;命运 运气 立体音响
Unit 89 We haven't decided yet ;我们还没决定
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Check out the couch we just bought.Do you like it? ;A:看看我们刚买的沙发椅 你喜欢吗?
B:Yeah. It's nice. Where are you going to put the couch? ;B:喜欢,那沙发椅很不错. 你要把它放在哪里?
A:I don't know.We haven't decided yet. ;A:不知道.我们还没决定.
B:You should try it in front of the window. That would look good ;B:试试把它放在窗户前面 应该会好看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where are you going to eat lunch today? B:I'm staying here for lunch. ;A:你今天要去哪里吃午餐 B:我要留在这里吃午餐.
A:Do you want to eat with us? B:No,I've got a lot to do. Thanks anyway. ;A:你要不要跟我们一起吃 B:不,我有许多事情要做. 仍然很谢谢你.
Practice ;句型练习
Where are you going to put the couch? Where are you going to hide the gift? ;你要把沙发椅放在哪里? 你要把礼物藏在哪里?
Where are you going to eat lunch today? Where are you going to buy a computer? ;你今天要去哪里吃午餐? 你要去哪里买电脑?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
couch nice decided ;沙发椅 很好 决定(过去分词)
should try front ;应该 尝试 前面
stay anyway hide ;停留 无论如何 藏
computer ;电脑
Unit 90 What happened? ;怎么一回事?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where are you speaking tonight? B:I'm not. A:What happened? ;A:你今晚要去哪里演讲? B:我不去演讲. A:怎么一回事?
B:They had to cancel because only 10 people signed up for the conference. ;B:他们必须取消掉,因为 只有十人登记参加这个 研讨会.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where are you watching the game? ;A:你要去哪里看球赛?
B:John asked me to watch the game at his place. ;B:约翰要我到他那里去看 球赛.
A:Are you going to go? B:I don't know. I may just stay here. ;A:你要去吗? B:我不知道.我可能会留 在这里.
Practice ;句型练习
Where are you speaking tonight? ;你今晚要去哪里演讲?
Where are you eating? Where are you watching the game? ;你要去哪里吃饭? 你要去哪里看球赛?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
happen cancel because ;发生 取消 因为
people conference ;人们 研习会
watch game stay ;观看 (球类)比赛 停留
Unit 91 Where is John going to school? ;约翰要去上哪一所大学?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where is Mary building her house? B:Right at the edge of town. ;A:玛丽要把房子盖在哪里 B:就在这个镇的边界.
A:Why is she doing that? ;A:她为什么那么做?
B:She wanted to have a little open space.She grew up in the country you know. ;B:她想要个宽一点的地方 你知道她是在乡村长大的
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where is Chris going to school? ;A:克理斯要去上哪一所 大学?
B:University of New York.He just transferred in. ;B:纽约大学.他刚转进去.
A:Oh,really? B:Yeah. He was at Boston University for a while. ;A:噢,真的? B:是啊.他原本在波士顿 大学念了一段时间.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is John buying a car? Where is Mary building her house? ;约翰要去哪里买车子? 玛丽要把房子盖在哪里?
Where is Chris going to school? Where is Mary getting her pets? ;克理斯要去上哪所大学? 玛丽要去哪里买宠物?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
build right edge ;建造 正好 边界;边缘
town space ;城市;城镇 空间;场地
country transfer while ;乡下 转学 一段时间
buy pet ;买 宠物
Unit 92 Meet me at Owens Hall at 10. ;十点在欧文馆等我
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Meet me at Owens Hall at 10:00. B:Where is that building located? ;A:十点在欧文馆等我. B:那栋大楼在哪里?
A:Right next to the library.Remember? ;A:就在图书馆隔壁, 记得吗?
B:No,I guess I didn't pay much attention last time. ;B:不记得,我想我上一次 可能没有注意.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Sally bought that $2000 picture from the auction. ;A:莎丽在拍卖场买了那幅 2000美元的图画.
B:Are you serious? Where is the picture hung? ;B:真的?那幅画挂在哪里?
A:Right in the middle of her living room. ;A:就在她家客厅的中央.
B:I guess if I paid $2000 for a picture, ;B:我想,如果我用2千美元 买了一幅画,
I'll put it where everyone could see it too. ;我也会把它挂在人人看到 的地方.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is the game held Where is that building located?Where is the picture hung? ;比赛在哪里举行? 那栋大楼在哪里? 那幅画挂在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
meet building locate ;见面 大楼;建筑物 坐落于
library remember guess ;图书馆 记得 猜想
attention picture auction ;注意;注意力 图画 拍卖;拍卖会
serious hung middle ;认真的 悬挂(过去分词) 中间
paid held ;付钱(过去式) 举行(过去分词)
Unit 93 Where can I park my car? ;我在哪里可以停车?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where can I park my car? B:There is a lot right behind the building. ;A:我在哪里可以停车? B:这栋建筑的后面有个 停车场.
A:Are there lights?I'm going to be getting there late. ;A:那里有灯吗?我会很晚 才到.
B:Oh yeah. There are tons of lights.It's almost like a ball park. ;B:噢,有的.那里有很多灯 亮得跟一个球场一样.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where can I rent a movie? ;A:哪里可以租到录影带?
B:I usually go to Hollywood Video on First Street. ;B:我通常到第一街的 "好莱坞录影带店"去租.
A:That's pretty far away. ;A:那很远.
B:Well,you could just get one from the grocery store. ;B:嗯,你在杂货店也可以 租到.
Practice ;句型练习
Where can I put my drink? Where can I park my car? ;我该把我的饮料放在哪里 我在哪里可以停车?
Where can I buy a tape? Where can I rent a movie? ;我在哪里可以买到录影带 哪里可以租到录影带?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
park lot behind ;停车 (一块)地 在...后面
light late almost ;灯 很晚 几乎
ball park rent usually ;棒球场 出租 通常
far grocery ;远的;远方的 杂货;杂货店
drink tape ;饮料 录音带
Unit 94 Who was that at the movie? ;刚刚在电影院的是谁?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Who was that at the movie? B:Don't you remember Eddie? ;A:刚刚在电影院的是谁? B:你不记得艾迪吗?
A:That was Eddie? B:Yeah.He looks different,doesn't he ;A:那是艾迪? B:是啊,他看起来不一样 了,是吗?
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Who was the girl at John's house? B:The blonde? That was his sister. ;A:在约翰家的女孩子是谁 B:金黄色头发那位吗? 那是他妹妹.
A:Man,she's fine. B:Don't even think about it. She's engaged. ;A:哇,她很漂亮. B:别动任何脑筋. 她已经订婚了.
Practice ;句型练习
Who was that at the movie? Who was that John was talking to? ;刚刚在电影院的是谁? 在跟约翰谈话的那个人 是谁?
Who was the man at the dance? Who was the girl at John's house? ;舞会上的那个男人是谁? 在约翰家的女孩子是谁?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
remember different blonde ;记得 不同的 金黄色头发的女郎
fine engaged dance ;漂亮的 已订婚的 跳舞;舞会
Unit 95 I was busy anyway. ;反正我也忙
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Who took you to dinner? B:Mom and Dad. ;A:谁带你去吃晚餐? B:妈妈和爸爸.
A:Man,they never took me to dinner on Fridays.They were always doing something ;A:噢,他们从没在星期五 带我去吃晚餐.他们总 是有事.
B:I know. We were actually talking about that. ;B:我知道.我们就是在谈 那件事.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Who threw you the surprise party? ;A:谁替你开的这个惊喜 宴会?
B:John did.I can't believe he didn't invite you. ;B:约翰.我真不敢相信他 没有邀请你.
A:Well,I was busy anyway. I guess he probably just forgot to call me. ;A:噢,反正我也忙.我猜他 可能忘了打电话给我.
B:Yeah,I imagine that's what happened ;B:是啊,我想可能是这样.
Practice ;句型练习
Who brought your mom home? Who sold John the suit ;谁带你母亲回家? 谁卖给约翰这件西装?
Who took you to dinner Who threw you the surprise party? ;谁带你去吃的晚餐? 谁替你开的这个惊喜宴会
Vocabulary ;单词短语
always actually threw ;总是 实际上;事实上 开个(宴会)(过去式)
surprise invite believe ;惊奇;惊喜 邀请 相信
busy probably forgot ;忙的 或许;可能的 忘记(过去式)
imagine sold suit ;想象 卖(过去式) 西装
Unit 96 Everyone's gone. ;大家都走了
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Who are you going to invite to the prom? B:I'm thinking about asking Mary. ;A:你要邀请谁去参加毕业 舞会? B:我在考虑邀请玛丽.
A:I heard she was going with John. ;A:我听说她要跟约翰去.
B:I heard that too,but it's not true.John's going with Jessica. ;B:我也听说了,但那不是 真的.约翰要跟洁西卡去.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:All I need to do is get a hammer and I can finish the project in no time. ;A:我只需要借个铁锤,就 可以马上把这个项目 做完.
B:Who are you going to borrow a hammer from?Everyone's gone ;B:你要去跟谁借铁锤? 大家都走了.
A:I think John has one He's still here. ;A:我想约翰有一个.他还 在这里.
B:Oh yeah. I forgot he was here this weekend. ;B:噢,是啊.我忘了他这个 周末在这里.
Practice ;句型练习
Who are you going to invite to the prom? ;你要邀请谁去参加毕业 舞会?
Who are you going to tell about your accident? ;你要把这个意外告诉谁?
Who are you going to hire for the job? Who are you going to borrow a hammer from? ;这个工作你要雇用谁? 你要去跟谁借铁锤?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
prom heard true ;毕业舞会 听见(过去式) 真的
hammer project weekend ;铁锤 项目;课题 周末
accident hire job ;意外事件 雇用 工作
Unit 97 Who can give us directions? ;谁能给我们指路?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Look at this monster I made it myself. B:Who can eat that huge sandwich? ;A:你看这个怪物.我自己 做的. B:谁能吃那么大的三明治
A:I'm going to give it to my sister as a joke ;A:我要给我妹妹,当作是 玩笑.
There's no way she could eat it in a million years. ;这个三明治她永远都没办 法吃的.
B:I've got to see this ;B:我得跟过去看看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I don't know how to get to John's.Do you? B:No. Who can give us directions? ;我不知道如何到约翰家, 你知道吗? 不知道,谁能给我们指路?
A:Maybe Tom's home. He could tell us I bet. ;A:汤姆或许在家.我打赌 他能告诉我们.
B:You'd better hurry. He's supposed to be going out of town you know. ;B:你最好快点. 你知道他要到外地去.
Practice ;句型练习
Who can fix a tire? Who can eat that huge sandwich? ;谁会修理轮胎? 谁能吃那么大的三明治?
Who can give us directions? Who can tune your guitar? ;谁能给我们指路? 谁会帮你的吉他调音?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
monster huge sandwich ;怪物 巨大的 三明治
joke million year ;玩笑 一百万 年
direction bet hurry ;方向指示 打赌 匆忙;赶快
supposed fix tire ;(口语)应该 修理 轮胎
tune guitar ;调音 吉他
Unit 98 What are you doing? ;你在做什么?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I'm going to Six Flags this weekend. I can't wait. ;A:这个周末我要去六旗 游乐场.我等不及了.
B:Which ride do you like ridding the most? ;B:你最喜欢坐哪一项游乐 项目?
A:The Texas Giant.It's the world's largest roller coaster you know. ;A:德州巨轮.你知道那是 世界上最大的云宵飞车
B:Of course I know. I've ridden that a hundred times. ;B:我当然知道.我已经坐 过一百次了.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:What are you doing? B:Just watching the end of this game. ;A:你在做什么? B:只是在看比赛的最后 结果.
A:Which school do you want to win? ;
B:I hope Duke wins since my friend is on the team. ;A:你希望哪个校队赢? B:我希望杜克队赢,因为 我的朋友在那一队.
Practice ;句型练习
Which movie do you enjoy more? Which ride do you like riding the most? ;你较喜欢哪一部电影? 你最喜欢坐哪一项游乐 项目?
Which team do you love to watch? Which school do you want to win? ;你喜欢看哪一支队伍? 你希望哪个学校的校队赢
Vocabulary ;单词短语
wait ride most ;等 搭载;骑 最高程度的
largest roller coaster ;最大的 云宵飞车
hundred ridden end ;一百 搭乘(过去分词) 结束
win enjoy team ;赢 喜欢 队伍;团队
Unit 99 Which house are you going to rent? ;你要租哪一间房子?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Which vacuum are you going to buy? ;A:你要买哪一个吸尘器?
B:I don't know.They all seem the same to me. ;B:我不知道.对我来说, 它们都一样.
A:Trust me,they're not Do you want me to help you pick one out ;A:相信我,它们不一样. 要不要我帮你选一个?
B:Yeah,I'll appreciate it. ;B:好,我会很感激的.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Have you figured out where you're moving to yet? B:Yeah. I just decided ;A:你想好了要搬去哪里吗 B:想好了,我刚做了决定.
A:Which house are you going to rent? B:The one next to the school. ;A:你要租哪一间房子? B:学校旁边的那一间.
Practice ;句型练习
Which vacuum are you going to buy? Which house are you going to rent? ;你要买哪一个吸尘器? 你要租哪一间房子?
Which day are you going to make your day off? ;你哪一天要请假?
Which candidate are you going to support? ;你支持哪一个候选人?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
vacuum seem pick ;吸尘器 似乎 挑选
appreciate rent ;感激 出租
candidate support ;候选人 支持
Unit 100 He is supposed to arrive anytime now. ;他应该随时会到
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Hi,John! B:Hi,Mary. Is dinner ready? ;A:嗨,约翰. B:嗨,玛丽.晚餐做好了吗
A:Yes. By the way, where's Jack? B:He is supposed to arrive anytime now. ;A:做好了.顺便问一下, 杰克在哪里? B:他应该随时会到.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Hi,John! Sorry, I'm late. B:That's okay,please have a seat. ;A:嗨,约翰.对不起,我迟 到了. B:没关系,请坐.
A:Has the concert started yet? B:No,it is supposed to begin in five minutes ;A:音乐会开始了吗? B:还没有,5分钟内应该会 开始.
Practice ;句型练习
He is supposed to arrive anytime now. We're not supposed to smoke here. ;他应该随时会到. 我们不应该在这里抽烟.
You're supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. ;如果你要离开教室,应该 要问老师.
The concert is supposed to begin in five minutes. ;音乐会5分钟内应该会开 始.
Unit 76 That sounds good. ;听起来不错
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:What should I bring to Tom's? B:Do you have any games? ;A:我们应该带什么东西 到汤姆家? B:你有游戏碟吗?
A:Yeah,I could bring Bingo. B:That sounds good. ;A:有,我可以带"宾果游戏 来. B:听起来不错.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:John had a pretty bad day today.What should I tell his mother? ;A:约翰今天很不好.我应 该告诉他妈妈什么?
B:Just tell her what he was doing. ;B:就告诉她他所做的.
A:Is that all? B:Well,I guess you can talk about how good he normally is. ;A:就这样? B:对,我想你可以告诉她, 他平常多好.
Practice ;句型练习
What should I bring to Tom's? What should I do about Mary? ;我应该带什么东西到汤姆 家? 关于玛丽,我应该怎么办?
What should I tell his mother? What should I take for a cold? ;我应该告诉他妈妈什么? 我感冒了,应该吃什么?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
bad normally cold ;不好 通常 感冒
Unit 77 It's worth a shot. ;值得一试
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:What can we do to kill some time? B:We could go for some ping pong. ;A:我们怎么打发时间? B:我们可以去打乒乓球.
A:Nah,how about a movie? B:Okay. ;A:不好,去看电影好吗? B:好啊.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:This door has been jammed shut for a year now. ;A:这扇门卡住已经一年了
B:What can we do to break the door down? ;B:怎样才能把它拿下来?
A:I don't know.I've never tried that before. ;A:我不知道.我以前从来 没试过.
B:Me neither,but it's worth a shot. ;B:我也没有,但值得一试.
Practice ;句型练习
What can we do to kill some time? What can we do to make him feel better? ;我们怎么才能打发时间? 我们要怎么做才能使他 觉得好过?
What can we do to finish on time? What can we do to break the door down? ;我们要怎样才能准时做完 我们怎样才能把整扇门 拿下来?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
worth shot kill ;值得 尝试 打发(时间)
jammed shut ;卡住 关
try finish ;尝试 完成
Unit 78 You might call back then. ;你可以那时候再打电话来
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I'm calling to see if the teaching position has been filled. ;A:我打电话来查看那个老 师的职位是否有人充任 了.
B:That position hasn't actually opened yet. ;B:事实上,那个职位尚未 正式公开.
A:Oh. When will the position open? ;A:噢,什么时候公开?
B:It should officially open this Friday.You might call back then ;B:应该在星期五正式公布 你可以那时再打电话来
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I need to run to the store before it closes B:When will the store close? ;A:我需要在商店关门之前 赶去一趟. B:商店几点关门?
A:At 10:00. B:Oh,you have plenty of time. ;A:10点. B:噢,你还有很多时间.
Practice ;句型练习
When will the position open?When will the store close? When will they come? ;那个职位什么时候公开? 商店几点关门? 他们什么时候会来?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
position fill actually ;职位 派人充任 实际上;事实上
open yet ;公开 尚未
officially store close ;正式的 商店 (商店)打烊
Unit 79 When are we leaving for New York? ;我们什么时候要去纽约?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:When are we leaving for New York? B:As soon as I finish my dinner. ;A:我们什么时候去纽约? B:我吃完晚饭就走.
A:When do you think that will be? B:Probably no more than 20 minutes. ;A:你想那是什么时候? B:可能不会超过20分钟.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I'm really nervous about my report. B:When are you presen- ting your report? ;A:我对我的报告很紧张. B:你什么时候要作报告?
A:Tomorrow morning. B:Don't worry about it I'm sure it will go fine. ;A:明天早上. B:别担心.我确信一切都 会很好.
Practice ;句型练习
When are we leaving for New York?When are you presenting your report? ;我们什么时候要去纽约? 你什么时候要作报告?
When are they going to buy a car? When are we meeting? ;他们什么时候要买车? 我们什么时候见面?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
really nervous report ;真的 紧张的 报告
present worry ;提出报告 担忧
sure meet ;确定 见面
Unit 80 Is 10 o'clock too early? ;十点会太早吗?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:All I've been doing since I hurt my knee is laying around. ;A:自从我的膝盖伤了之后 我就成天没事可做.
B:When are you going to get some exercise ;B:你什么时候可以做运动
A:I can't put weight on it for 3 more days B:Well,just make the best of it. ;A:我的膝盖还有3天才可 以用力. B:噢,你就顺其自然好了.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I guess I'll see you tomorrow. B:When are you going to come over? ;A:那我们明天见了. B:你什么时候要来?
A:Is 10:00 too early? B:No,that's great. ;A:10点会太早吗? B:不会,那个时间很好.
Practice ;句型练习
When are you going to start paying attention When are you going to get some exercise? ;你什么时候才开始注意? 你什么时候要做运动?
When are you going to come over? When are you going to take a shower? ;你什么时候要来? 你什么时候要去洗澡?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
early since hurt ;早 自从 伤害
knee exercise weight ;膝盖 运动 重量
start attention shower ;开始 注意;注意力 淋浴
Unit 81 I'm getting kind of tired. ;我有点累
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I'm getting kind of tired. B:When would you like to leave? ;A:我有点累. B:你什么时候走?
A:I'm ready whenever. B:Okay,I'll get my things. ;A:我随时可以走. B:好的,我去拿我的东西.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Are you hungry? B:Not really. ;A:你饿了吗? B:不太饿.
A:Oh. When would you like to eat? B:How about in an hour ;A:噢,你想什么时候吃饭? B:一小时之后好吗?
Practice ;句型练习
When would you like to leave?When would you like to sing?When would you like to eat? ;你什么时候走? 你想什么时候唱? 你想什么时候吃饭?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
tired leave ready ;疲倦的 离开 准备好
whenever hungry really ;无论何时 饿 真的
hour sing ;(时间单位)小时 唱歌
Unit 82 Is everyone here yet? ;每一个人都到了吗?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Do you want to tag along while I run some errands? ;A:我办事情时,你要不要 一起来?
B:When can we go to the mall? ;B:我们何时去购物中心?
A:We could go after I drop Mary off. B:Yeah. I guess I'll go with you then. ;A:玛丽下车后我们就能去 B:好,那我想跟你一起去.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Is everyone here yet I want to open the present now. ;A:每一个人都到了吗? 我现在要打开礼物了.
B:Not yet,Billy.Have a little patience. ;B:还不能,比利.要有耐心
A:When can I open the presents? ;A:我什么时候可以开礼物
B:Calm down,Billy. It'll be time soon enough. ;B:比利,别急.很快就可以 开了.
Practice ;句型练习
When can we talk on the phone? ;我们什么时候可以打电话 聊天?
When can we go to the mall? ;我们什么时候可以去大型 购物中心?
When can we eat dinner When can I open the presents? ;我们什么时候可以吃晚饭 我什么时候可以开礼物?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
yet errand mall ;已经 杂务 大型购物中心
guess present ;猜想 礼物
patience calm ;耐心 冷静
soon enough phone ;很快地 足够的 电话
Unit 83 Do you want to come by ;你要一起去吗?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where is your mom? B:She ran to the store ;A:你母亲在哪里? B:她到商店去了.
A:Do you think she'll mind if you left while she was gone? ;A:你认为如果她不在时你 离开,她会介意吗?
B:I'd better wait for her to get back. ;B:我最好等她回来.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I'm going to John's. Do you want to come by? ;A:我要去约翰家,你要 一起去吗?
B:Sure. But I need directions.Where is John's house? ;B:好啊,但是我需要你告 诉我怎么走.约翰家在 哪里?
A:It's on the corner of 5th and Maple. B:Oh,I think I've been there after all. ;A:他家在第五街和梅波街 的转角处. B:噢,我想我以前去过.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is the mall? Where is your dog? ;大型购物中心在哪里? 你的狗在哪里?
Where is John's house? Where is your mom? ;约翰家在哪里? 你母亲在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
store mind while ;商店 介意 当...的时候
left wait ;离开(过去式) 等
directions corner ;方向指示 角落
Unit 84 I almost forgot them. ;我差点忘了
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I've got the gifts all ready. B:Okay. Where are the cards? ;A:我把礼物都准备好了. B:好,卡片在哪里?
A:Oh,I almost forgot them. They're in the drawer. ;A:噢,我差点忘了. 卡片在抽屉里.
B:Make sure you get them. ;B:要记得拿.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Honey,where are my papers? ;A:亲爱的,我的文件在哪?
B:I haven't seen them. Have you checked your briefcase? ;B:我没有看到.你查看过 你的手提箱吗?
A:There they are. Thanks. B:That's where they usually are. ;A:文件在手提箱里,谢谢. B:它们通常都在那里.
Practice ;句型练习
Where are the phone books? Where are the cards? Where are my papers? ;电话薄在哪里? 卡片在哪里? 我的文件在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
almost forgot gift ;几乎 忘记(过去式) 礼物
ready card drawer ;准备好 卡片 抽屉
paper check ;文件 查一查
briefcase usually ;手提箱 通常
Unit 85 I'm just checking. ;我只是问问看
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Are you going to come watch me? B:Maybe. Where is you play showing? ;A:你要来看我吗? B:或许.你在哪里表演?
A:At the school.Where else would it be? B:I don't know. I'm just checking. ;A:在学校.还会在哪里呢? B:我不知道.只是问问看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where is your brother moving? B:Florida. ;A:你哥哥要搬去哪里? B:去佛罗里达.
A:That's pretty far away. Do you think you'll miss him? ;A:那很远.你会想念他吗?
B:Probably.He's never been that far away. ;B:可能会.他从没去过那 么远的地方.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is your play showing? Where is your store opening? ;你在哪里表演? 你的店开在哪里?
Where is the restaurant being built Where is your brother moving? ;饭店要建在哪里? 你哥哥要搬去哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
check play show ;查一查 戏剧 演出
move pretty ;搬家 非常;相当
far miss ;远的 想念
probably built restaurant ;或许;可能的 建立 餐馆;饭店
Unit 86 You might try it. ;你可以试试看
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where do you do your banking? B:Bank of America. Why? ;A:你都在哪一家银行存款 B:美国银行.为什么要问?
A:I'm looking for a bank. ;A:我在找一家银行.
B:Oh. I like it pretty well.You might try it. ;B:噢,我认为美国银行不 错.你可以试试看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where do you buy groceries? B:Usually at Grand grocer's. ;A:你都在哪里买杂货? B:我通常在格蓝杂货店.
A:Is that close? B:Sure. It's just around the corner. ;A:那一家近吗? B:很近,就在转角处.
Practice ;句型练习
Where do you do your banking? Where do you buy groceries? ;你都在哪家银行存款? 你都在哪里买杂货?
Where do you store your broom? Where do you put the clippers? ;你的扫帚在哪里? 你的回形针放在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
try bank buy ;尝试 银行 买
groceries usually grocer ;食品杂货 通常 杂货店
around corner broom ;大约在 角落 扫帚
store clipper ;商店 回形针
Unit 87 Today's game is already sold out. ;今天球赛的票已经卖光了
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where do I go to buy tickets? B:For today's game? ;A:我该到哪里买票? B:今天的球赛吗?
A:Yes. B:I'm sorry,but today's game is already sold out. ;A:是的. B:很抱歉,今天球赛的票 已经卖光了.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Are you finding everything all right B:No.Where do I go to do laundry? ;A:你一切都没有问题吗? B:不是,我要到哪里去沅 衣服.
A:Oh,I forgot to tell you.The laundry room is in the basement of the apartments. ;A:噢,我忘了告诉你.洗衣 房在公寓的地下室.
B:Okay. Thanks. ;B:好的,谢谢你.
Practice ;句型练习
Where do I go to buy tickets? Where do I go to exchange this hat? ;我该到哪里买票? 我该到哪里去换这顶帽子
Where do I go to buy scissors? Where do I go to do laundry? ;我该到哪里买剪刀? 我要到哪里去洗衣服?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
already game ticket ;已经 (球类)比赛 票
sorry find laundry ;抱歉;遗憾 找到 待洗或洗好的衣物
forgot room basement ;忘记 房间 地下室
apartment exchange ;公寓 交换
hat scissors ;帽子 剪刀
Unit 88 Are you still looking for a job? ;你还在找工作?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Are you still looking for a job? B:Nope. I got one. ;A:你还在找工作吗? B:没有,我已经找到工作 了.
A:Where did you get a job? B:At the bookstore. ;A:你在哪里找到工作的? B:在书店.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where did you meet your girlfriend? ;A:你在哪里认识你的女朋 友的?
B:We met at the library.We were both reaching for the same book. ;B:我们在图书馆认识的. 我们两个都要拿同一本 书.
A:That sounds like fate. B:Maybe. Sounds more like luck to me. ;A:好像是命运安排好的. B:或许是,更像是我的好 运.
Practice ;句型练习
Where did you get a job? Where did you meet your girlfriend? ;你在哪里找到工作的? 你在哪里认识你的女朋友 的?
Where did you buy your stereo? Where did you get dinner? ;你的音响在哪里买的? 你在哪里吃的晚饭?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
still job meet ;仍然 工作;职位 见面
library reach ;图书馆 伸手去拿
same sound ;相同 听起来
fate luck stereo ;命运 运气 立体音响
Unit 89 We haven't decided yet ;我们还没决定
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Check out the couch we just bought.Do you like it? ;A:看看我们刚买的沙发椅 你喜欢吗?
B:Yeah. It's nice. Where are you going to put the couch? ;B:喜欢,那沙发椅很不错. 你要把它放在哪里?
A:I don't know.We haven't decided yet. ;A:不知道.我们还没决定.
B:You should try it in front of the window. That would look good ;B:试试把它放在窗户前面 应该会好看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where are you going to eat lunch today? B:I'm staying here for lunch. ;A:你今天要去哪里吃午餐 B:我要留在这里吃午餐.
A:Do you want to eat with us? B:No,I've got a lot to do. Thanks anyway. ;A:你要不要跟我们一起吃 B:不,我有许多事情要做. 仍然很谢谢你.
Practice ;句型练习
Where are you going to put the couch? Where are you going to hide the gift? ;你要把沙发椅放在哪里? 你要把礼物藏在哪里?
Where are you going to eat lunch today? Where are you going to buy a computer? ;你今天要去哪里吃午餐? 你要去哪里买电脑?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
couch nice decided ;沙发椅 很好 决定(过去分词)
should try front ;应该 尝试 前面
stay anyway hide ;停留 无论如何 藏
computer ;电脑
Unit 90 What happened? ;怎么一回事?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where are you speaking tonight? B:I'm not. A:What happened? ;A:你今晚要去哪里演讲? B:我不去演讲. A:怎么一回事?
B:They had to cancel because only 10 people signed up for the conference. ;B:他们必须取消掉,因为 只有十人登记参加这个 研讨会.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where are you watching the game? ;A:你要去哪里看球赛?
B:John asked me to watch the game at his place. ;B:约翰要我到他那里去看 球赛.
A:Are you going to go? B:I don't know. I may just stay here. ;A:你要去吗? B:我不知道.我可能会留 在这里.
Practice ;句型练习
Where are you speaking tonight? ;你今晚要去哪里演讲?
Where are you eating? Where are you watching the game? ;你要去哪里吃饭? 你要去哪里看球赛?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
happen cancel because ;发生 取消 因为
people conference ;人们 研习会
watch game stay ;观看 (球类)比赛 停留
Unit 91 Where is John going to school? ;约翰要去上哪一所大学?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where is Mary building her house? B:Right at the edge of town. ;A:玛丽要把房子盖在哪里 B:就在这个镇的边界.
A:Why is she doing that? ;A:她为什么那么做?
B:She wanted to have a little open space.She grew up in the country you know. ;B:她想要个宽一点的地方 你知道她是在乡村长大的
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where is Chris going to school? ;A:克理斯要去上哪一所 大学?
B:University of New York.He just transferred in. ;B:纽约大学.他刚转进去.
A:Oh,really? B:Yeah. He was at Boston University for a while. ;A:噢,真的? B:是啊.他原本在波士顿 大学念了一段时间.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is John buying a car? Where is Mary building her house? ;约翰要去哪里买车子? 玛丽要把房子盖在哪里?
Where is Chris going to school? Where is Mary getting her pets? ;克理斯要去上哪所大学? 玛丽要去哪里买宠物?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
build right edge ;建造 正好 边界;边缘
town space ;城市;城镇 空间;场地
country transfer while ;乡下 转学 一段时间
buy pet ;买 宠物
Unit 92 Meet me at Owens Hall at 10. ;十点在欧文馆等我
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Meet me at Owens Hall at 10:00. B:Where is that building located? ;A:十点在欧文馆等我. B:那栋大楼在哪里?
A:Right next to the library.Remember? ;A:就在图书馆隔壁, 记得吗?
B:No,I guess I didn't pay much attention last time. ;B:不记得,我想我上一次 可能没有注意.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Sally bought that $2000 picture from the auction. ;A:莎丽在拍卖场买了那幅 2000美元的图画.
B:Are you serious? Where is the picture hung? ;B:真的?那幅画挂在哪里?
A:Right in the middle of her living room. ;A:就在她家客厅的中央.
B:I guess if I paid $2000 for a picture, ;B:我想,如果我用2千美元 买了一幅画,
I'll put it where everyone could see it too. ;我也会把它挂在人人看到 的地方.
Practice ;句型练习
Where is the game held Where is that building located?Where is the picture hung? ;比赛在哪里举行? 那栋大楼在哪里? 那幅画挂在哪里?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
meet building locate ;见面 大楼;建筑物 坐落于
library remember guess ;图书馆 记得 猜想
attention picture auction ;注意;注意力 图画 拍卖;拍卖会
serious hung middle ;认真的 悬挂(过去分词) 中间
paid held ;付钱(过去式) 举行(过去分词)
Unit 93 Where can I park my car? ;我在哪里可以停车?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Where can I park my car? B:There is a lot right behind the building. ;A:我在哪里可以停车? B:这栋建筑的后面有个 停车场.
A:Are there lights?I'm going to be getting there late. ;A:那里有灯吗?我会很晚 才到.
B:Oh yeah. There are tons of lights.It's almost like a ball park. ;B:噢,有的.那里有很多灯 亮得跟一个球场一样.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Where can I rent a movie? ;A:哪里可以租到录影带?
B:I usually go to Hollywood Video on First Street. ;B:我通常到第一街的 "好莱坞录影带店"去租.
A:That's pretty far away. ;A:那很远.
B:Well,you could just get one from the grocery store. ;B:嗯,你在杂货店也可以 租到.
Practice ;句型练习
Where can I put my drink? Where can I park my car? ;我该把我的饮料放在哪里 我在哪里可以停车?
Where can I buy a tape? Where can I rent a movie? ;我在哪里可以买到录影带 哪里可以租到录影带?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
park lot behind ;停车 (一块)地 在...后面
light late almost ;灯 很晚 几乎
ball park rent usually ;棒球场 出租 通常
far grocery ;远的;远方的 杂货;杂货店
drink tape ;饮料 录音带
Unit 94 Who was that at the movie? ;刚刚在电影院的是谁?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Who was that at the movie? B:Don't you remember Eddie? ;A:刚刚在电影院的是谁? B:你不记得艾迪吗?
A:That was Eddie? B:Yeah.He looks different,doesn't he ;A:那是艾迪? B:是啊,他看起来不一样 了,是吗?
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Who was the girl at John's house? B:The blonde? That was his sister. ;A:在约翰家的女孩子是谁 B:金黄色头发那位吗? 那是他妹妹.
A:Man,she's fine. B:Don't even think about it. She's engaged. ;A:哇,她很漂亮. B:别动任何脑筋. 她已经订婚了.
Practice ;句型练习
Who was that at the movie? Who was that John was talking to? ;刚刚在电影院的是谁? 在跟约翰谈话的那个人 是谁?
Who was the man at the dance? Who was the girl at John's house? ;舞会上的那个男人是谁? 在约翰家的女孩子是谁?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
remember different blonde ;记得 不同的 金黄色头发的女郎
fine engaged dance ;漂亮的 已订婚的 跳舞;舞会
Unit 95 I was busy anyway. ;反正我也忙
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Who took you to dinner? B:Mom and Dad. ;A:谁带你去吃晚餐? B:妈妈和爸爸.
A:Man,they never took me to dinner on Fridays.They were always doing something ;A:噢,他们从没在星期五 带我去吃晚餐.他们总 是有事.
B:I know. We were actually talking about that. ;B:我知道.我们就是在谈 那件事.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Who threw you the surprise party? ;A:谁替你开的这个惊喜 宴会?
B:John did.I can't believe he didn't invite you. ;B:约翰.我真不敢相信他 没有邀请你.
A:Well,I was busy anyway. I guess he probably just forgot to call me. ;A:噢,反正我也忙.我猜他 可能忘了打电话给我.
B:Yeah,I imagine that's what happened ;B:是啊,我想可能是这样.
Practice ;句型练习
Who brought your mom home? Who sold John the suit ;谁带你母亲回家? 谁卖给约翰这件西装?
Who took you to dinner Who threw you the surprise party? ;谁带你去吃的晚餐? 谁替你开的这个惊喜宴会
Vocabulary ;单词短语
always actually threw ;总是 实际上;事实上 开个(宴会)(过去式)
surprise invite believe ;惊奇;惊喜 邀请 相信
busy probably forgot ;忙的 或许;可能的 忘记(过去式)
imagine sold suit ;想象 卖(过去式) 西装
Unit 96 Everyone's gone. ;大家都走了
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Who are you going to invite to the prom? B:I'm thinking about asking Mary. ;A:你要邀请谁去参加毕业 舞会? B:我在考虑邀请玛丽.
A:I heard she was going with John. ;A:我听说她要跟约翰去.
B:I heard that too,but it's not true.John's going with Jessica. ;B:我也听说了,但那不是 真的.约翰要跟洁西卡去.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:All I need to do is get a hammer and I can finish the project in no time. ;A:我只需要借个铁锤,就 可以马上把这个项目 做完.
B:Who are you going to borrow a hammer from?Everyone's gone ;B:你要去跟谁借铁锤? 大家都走了.
A:I think John has one He's still here. ;A:我想约翰有一个.他还 在这里.
B:Oh yeah. I forgot he was here this weekend. ;B:噢,是啊.我忘了他这个 周末在这里.
Practice ;句型练习
Who are you going to invite to the prom? ;你要邀请谁去参加毕业 舞会?
Who are you going to tell about your accident? ;你要把这个意外告诉谁?
Who are you going to hire for the job? Who are you going to borrow a hammer from? ;这个工作你要雇用谁? 你要去跟谁借铁锤?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
prom heard true ;毕业舞会 听见(过去式) 真的
hammer project weekend ;铁锤 项目;课题 周末
accident hire job ;意外事件 雇用 工作
Unit 97 Who can give us directions? ;谁能给我们指路?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Look at this monster I made it myself. B:Who can eat that huge sandwich? ;A:你看这个怪物.我自己 做的. B:谁能吃那么大的三明治
A:I'm going to give it to my sister as a joke ;A:我要给我妹妹,当作是 玩笑.
There's no way she could eat it in a million years. ;这个三明治她永远都没办 法吃的.
B:I've got to see this ;B:我得跟过去看看.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:I don't know how to get to John's.Do you? B:No. Who can give us directions? ;我不知道如何到约翰家, 你知道吗? 不知道,谁能给我们指路?
A:Maybe Tom's home. He could tell us I bet. ;A:汤姆或许在家.我打赌 他能告诉我们.
B:You'd better hurry. He's supposed to be going out of town you know. ;B:你最好快点. 你知道他要到外地去.
Practice ;句型练习
Who can fix a tire? Who can eat that huge sandwich? ;谁会修理轮胎? 谁能吃那么大的三明治?
Who can give us directions? Who can tune your guitar? ;谁能给我们指路? 谁会帮你的吉他调音?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
monster huge sandwich ;怪物 巨大的 三明治
joke million year ;玩笑 一百万 年
direction bet hurry ;方向指示 打赌 匆忙;赶快
supposed fix tire ;(口语)应该 修理 轮胎
tune guitar ;调音 吉他
Unit 98 What are you doing? ;你在做什么?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:I'm going to Six Flags this weekend. I can't wait. ;A:这个周末我要去六旗 游乐场.我等不及了.
B:Which ride do you like ridding the most? ;B:你最喜欢坐哪一项游乐 项目?
A:The Texas Giant.It's the world's largest roller coaster you know. ;A:德州巨轮.你知道那是 世界上最大的云宵飞车
B:Of course I know. I've ridden that a hundred times. ;B:我当然知道.我已经坐 过一百次了.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:What are you doing? B:Just watching the end of this game. ;A:你在做什么? B:只是在看比赛的最后 结果.
A:Which school do you want to win? ;
B:I hope Duke wins since my friend is on the team. ;A:你希望哪个校队赢? B:我希望杜克队赢,因为 我的朋友在那一队.
Practice ;句型练习
Which movie do you enjoy more? Which ride do you like riding the most? ;你较喜欢哪一部电影? 你最喜欢坐哪一项游乐 项目?
Which team do you love to watch? Which school do you want to win? ;你喜欢看哪一支队伍? 你希望哪个学校的校队赢
Vocabulary ;单词短语
wait ride most ;等 搭载;骑 最高程度的
largest roller coaster ;最大的 云宵飞车
hundred ridden end ;一百 搭乘(过去分词) 结束
win enjoy team ;赢 喜欢 队伍;团队
Unit 99 Which house are you going to rent? ;你要租哪一间房子?
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Which vacuum are you going to buy? ;A:你要买哪一个吸尘器?
B:I don't know.They all seem the same to me. ;B:我不知道.对我来说, 它们都一样.
A:Trust me,they're not Do you want me to help you pick one out ;A:相信我,它们不一样. 要不要我帮你选一个?
B:Yeah,I'll appreciate it. ;B:好,我会很感激的.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Have you figured out where you're moving to yet? B:Yeah. I just decided ;A:你想好了要搬去哪里吗 B:想好了,我刚做了决定.
A:Which house are you going to rent? B:The one next to the school. ;A:你要租哪一间房子? B:学校旁边的那一间.
Practice ;句型练习
Which vacuum are you going to buy? Which house are you going to rent? ;你要买哪一个吸尘器? 你要租哪一间房子?
Which day are you going to make your day off? ;你哪一天要请假?
Which candidate are you going to support? ;你支持哪一个候选人?
Vocabulary ;单词短语
vacuum seem pick ;吸尘器 似乎 挑选
appreciate rent ;感激 出租
candidate support ;候选人 支持
Unit 100 He is supposed to arrive anytime now. ;他应该随时会到
Conversation 1 ;对话一
A:Hi,John! B:Hi,Mary. Is dinner ready? ;A:嗨,约翰. B:嗨,玛丽.晚餐做好了吗
A:Yes. By the way, where's Jack? B:He is supposed to arrive anytime now. ;A:做好了.顺便问一下, 杰克在哪里? B:他应该随时会到.
Conversation 2 ;对话二
A:Hi,John! Sorry, I'm late. B:That's okay,please have a seat. ;A:嗨,约翰.对不起,我迟 到了. B:没关系,请坐.
A:Has the concert started yet? B:No,it is supposed to begin in five minutes ;A:音乐会开始了吗? B:还没有,5分钟内应该会 开始.
Practice ;句型练习
He is supposed to arrive anytime now. We're not supposed to smoke here. ;他应该随时会到. 我们不应该在这里抽烟.
You're supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. ;如果你要离开教室,应该 要问老师.
The concert is supposed to begin in five minutes. ;音乐会5分钟内应该会开 始.