
a fire broke out at an Istanbul nightclub during renovations, killing at least 29 people. one person was injured. the nightclub was on the ground in the basement floors of a 16-store residential building on the European side of the city. The fire was extinguished later Tuesday.
伊斯坦布尔一家夜总会在翻修期间发生火灾,造成至少 29 人死亡,一人受伤。这家夜总会位于该市欧洲一侧一栋 16 层住宅楼的地下室。大火于周二晚些时候被扑灭。
Istanbul's governor says the cause of the fire is under investigation. the victims were believed to be involved in the renovation work. Senegal's once-jailed opposition candidate Basarut was sworn in on Tuesday as the West African nation's fifth and youngest president ever, promising to restore stability and bring economic progress. Reuters correspondent Alice Rizzo has more. the 44-year-old former tax inspector defeated Ahmedu Bah, the candidate of outgoing President Macki Sells's ruling coalition, by a landslide in the first round of voting.
伊斯坦布尔州长表示,火灾原因正在调查中。据信受害者参与了翻修工作。塞内加尔曾入狱的反对派候选人巴萨鲁特周二宣誓就职,成为这个西非国家有史以来第五任、最年轻的总统,他承诺恢复稳定并带来经济进步。路透社记者 Alice Rizzo 报道更多。这位 44 岁的前税务检查员在第一轮投票中以压倒性优势击败了即将离任的总统麦基·塞尔斯执政联盟的候选人艾哈迈杜·巴赫。
"I am aware that the results of the ballot box express a profound desire for systematic change through my election. the Senegalese people have committed themselves to build a fair Senegal, a prosperous Senegal, a progressing Africa." The new president has vowed to tackle corruption and introduce a series of economic reforms to prioritize national interests, including the renegotiation of oil, gas, and mineral contract with foreign operators. correspondent Alice Rezzo.
“我知道,投票结果表达了通过我的当选实现系统性变革的强烈愿望。塞内加尔人民致力于建设一个公平的塞内加尔、一个繁荣的塞内加尔和一个进步的非洲。” 新总统誓言要打击腐败,并推出一系列经济改革,以国家利益为重,包括与外国运营商重新谈判石油、天然气和矿产合同。记者 Alice Rezzo为您报道。
Cabone's national dialogue called to pave the way for a return to constitutional order and an end to the 55-year Bongo dynasty began in the Central African state Tuesday. Moki Edwin Kendeska reports from neighboring Cameroon. transitional President General Bris O'leginema opened the dialogue Tuesday, telling a crowd of several thousand civilians and soldiers, that "Gabon's citizens are looking forward to what is built as the country's inclusive major national dialogue." Oligi has ruled Gabon since the military outsets President Ali Ben Bongo in a bloodless cool last August.
卡博内呼吁为恢复宪法秩序和结束 55 年的邦戈王朝铺平道路的全国对话于周二在中非国家开始。莫基·埃德温·肯德斯卡从邻国喀麦隆报道。过渡总统布里斯·奥莱吉内马将军周二开启了对话,他告诉数千名平民和士兵,“加蓬公民期待着建立包容性的主要全国对话。” 自去年 8 月军方以不流血的方式推翻总统阿里·本·邦戈以来,奥利吉一直统治着加蓬。

a fire broke out at an Istanbul nightclub during renovations, killing at least 29 people. one person was injured. the nightclub was on the ground in the basement floors of a 16-store residential building on the European side of the city. The fire was extinguished later Tuesday.
伊斯坦布尔一家夜总会在翻修期间发生火灾,造成至少 29 人死亡,一人受伤。这家夜总会位于该市欧洲一侧一栋 16 层住宅楼的地下室。大火于周二晚些时候被扑灭。
Istanbul's governor says the cause of the fire is under investigation. the victims were believed to be involved in the renovation work. Senegal's once-jailed opposition candidate Basarut was sworn in on Tuesday as the West African nation's fifth and youngest president ever, promising to restore stability and bring economic progress. Reuters correspondent Alice Rizzo has more. the 44-year-old former tax inspector defeated Ahmedu Bah, the candidate of outgoing President Macki Sells's ruling coalition, by a landslide in the first round of voting.
伊斯坦布尔州长表示,火灾原因正在调查中。据信受害者参与了翻修工作。塞内加尔曾入狱的反对派候选人巴萨鲁特周二宣誓就职,成为这个西非国家有史以来第五任、最年轻的总统,他承诺恢复稳定并带来经济进步。路透社记者 Alice Rizzo 报道更多。这位 44 岁的前税务检查员在第一轮投票中以压倒性优势击败了即将离任的总统麦基·塞尔斯执政联盟的候选人艾哈迈杜·巴赫。
"I am aware that the results of the ballot box express a profound desire for systematic change through my election. the Senegalese people have committed themselves to build a fair Senegal, a prosperous Senegal, a progressing Africa." The new president has vowed to tackle corruption and introduce a series of economic reforms to prioritize national interests, including the renegotiation of oil, gas, and mineral contract with foreign operators. correspondent Alice Rezzo.
“我知道,投票结果表达了通过我的当选实现系统性变革的强烈愿望。塞内加尔人民致力于建设一个公平的塞内加尔、一个繁荣的塞内加尔和一个进步的非洲。” 新总统誓言要打击腐败,并推出一系列经济改革,以国家利益为重,包括与外国运营商重新谈判石油、天然气和矿产合同。记者 Alice Rezzo为您报道。
Cabone's national dialogue called to pave the way for a return to constitutional order and an end to the 55-year Bongo dynasty began in the Central African state Tuesday. Moki Edwin Kendeska reports from neighboring Cameroon. transitional President General Bris O'leginema opened the dialogue Tuesday, telling a crowd of several thousand civilians and soldiers, that "Gabon's citizens are looking forward to what is built as the country's inclusive major national dialogue." Oligi has ruled Gabon since the military outsets President Ali Ben Bongo in a bloodless cool last August.
卡博内呼吁为恢复宪法秩序和结束 55 年的邦戈王朝铺平道路的全国对话于周二在中非国家开始。莫基·埃德温·肯德斯卡从邻国喀麦隆报道。过渡总统布里斯·奥莱吉内马将军周二开启了对话,他告诉数千名平民和士兵,“加蓬公民期待着建立包容性的主要全国对话。” 自去年 8 月军方以不流血的方式推翻总统阿里·本·邦戈以来,奥利吉一直统治着加蓬。