The Dali, which was beginning its 22-day journey to Sri Lanka after spending a couple of days in the port of Baltimore, one of the nation's busiest ports, was Singapore-flagged. It had been hired by the shipping container company myosc, one of the largest container traffickers on the world stage.
达利号悬挂新加坡国旗,在巴尔的摩港停留数日后,开始了为期 22 天的斯里兰卡之旅。巴尔的摩港是美国最繁忙的港口之一。该船由集装箱运输公司 myosc 租用,该公司是世界上最大的集装箱运输商之一。
Today, they've issued a statement saying how horrified they are by this event. Absolutely no indication that it was intentional or in any way uh terror-related. This appears to have been some kind of catastrophic navigation error that the authorities are only now beginning to investigate. And a National Transportation Safety Board team will be dispatched from Washington D.C., just up the road to Baltimore, to begin and oversee the process of this investigation.