Chinese swimmer Sun Yang will return to the pool at a top domestic meet next week, his first major competition since the end of his four-year ban for doping. The 32-year-old is expected to represent his home Zhejiang province at the National Summer Swimming Championships, which start on Sunday in Hefei.
中国游泳运动员孙杨将于下周重返国内顶级赛事,这是他因兴奋剂被禁赛四年后首次参加重大比赛。这位 32 岁的运动员预计将代表他的家乡浙江省参加周日在合肥开赛的全国夏季游泳锦标赛。
Yang’s drugs ban officially ended on May 28, and his team posted the message “Exceed yourself. Be a fearless swimmer” on social media soon after. The championships are a Class B national swimming event in China, second only to the National Championships in terms of level and prestige.
孙杨的禁药令于 5 月 28 日正式结束,他的团队随后在社交媒体上发布了“超越自我,做无畏的游泳者”的信息。全国锦标赛是中国 B 级国家游泳赛事,在水平和声望方面仅次于全国锦标赛。
Wang Wei, director of the Zhejiang Provincial Swimming Sports Management Centre, said the Olympic gold medallist would compete in the 400 metres freestyle, the event he won at the 2012 Games in London, state media reported.
据官方媒体报道,浙江省游泳运动管理中心主任王伟表示,这位奥运金牌得主将参加 400 米自由泳比赛,这是他在 2012 年伦敦奥运会上夺冠的项目。
The triple Olympic champion was banned from competition for four years and three months, reduced from eight years on appeal, for a dope test violation in 2018 in which he and members of his entourage smashed vials containing blood samples.
这位三届奥运会冠军因在 2018 年违反兴奋剂检测规定,与随行人员一起砸碎了装有血液样本的小瓶,被禁赛四年零三个月,经上诉后从八年减为禁赛期。