• 听他们不喘气儿的把开场白说完,简单有礼貌的拒绝:"No, at this time I am not interested in your products/services"
• 如果他们继续推销,你就继续说NO好了:"I’m not interested.” "I said no." "Still, no."
• 销售一定说:“别看现在您不需要保险/租房/贷款/墓地,但是也许您以后会需要啊!”,告诉他你就是铁了心了, 就算2012了你也不要!"I will not be needing your products/services in the future."
• 最后警告她们──以后再打我就没这么好态度了啊!"Do me a favor, please permanently remove me from your calling list.”
TELEMARKETER: "Hi. Would you be interested in switching over to TMI Long Distance service?"
JERRY:"Oh, gee, I can't talk right now. Why don't you give me your home number and I'll call you later."
TELEMARKETER: "Uh, sorry, we're not allowed to do that."
JERRY: "Oh, I guess you don't want people calling you at home."
JERRY:"Well, now you know how I feel."