1. Necessity is the mother of invention. 需要乃创造之母。
2. Don’t worry. I’ve got his number. 不用担心。我对他了如指掌。
3. Apply the cream liberally. 多抹点。
4. We reached a gentleman's agreement. 我们订了个君子协定。
5. It’s his sore point. 那是他的痛处。
6. The guy eyed me up. 他色迷迷地打量我。
7. There’s every prospect of success. 成功的希望很大。
8. Hey, get off your high horse. 别盛气凌人的。
9. What an underhanded intrigue! 多么卑鄙的伎俩!
10. Let me kill the fatted calf for you. 我要为你接风洗尘。