The United States' move to put some Chinese firms on a "notorious markets" list might hurt the companies' reputation and China is concerned about the issue, a commerce ministry official said Sunday。
"Notorious markets" list就是所谓的“恶名企业名单”,是由the Office of the US Trade Representative (美国贸易代表办公室,USTR)发布的。美国方面称名单中的企业均有counterfeiting and piracy(假冒和盗版)以及Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) infringements(侵犯知识产权)的行为,该名单是对所有offending markets(违规企业)的一个警示。
Notorious这个词经常和bad reputation(不良声誉)相关,多解释为“臭名昭著、声名狼藉”,在日常的使用中一般和介词for或as搭配,比如:He was notorious as a gambler. (他是臭名昭著的赌徒。)John is notorious for borrowing money and never paying it back。(约翰从来都是有借无还,已经臭名远扬了。)