Almond: This dry fruit is pronounced as Ah-mund, (pronunciation of u as in sun). L is silent. You should not pronounce it as Aal-mund.
Bury: It is pronounced as Be-ri, the same as berry. And not Beu-ri or Burr-ri.
Dengue: This disease is pronounced as Den-gee (pronunciation of ‘gee’ as in cheese). You should not pronounce it as Den-goo.
Dessert: It is pronounced as dizz-urt, (pronunciation of u as in sun). And not as des-ert which is a barren land.
Schedule: According to US English, sked-jule is the correct pronunciation for this word. According to British English, shed-yool is the correct pronunciation.
Zebra: According to US English. the sound of the letter ‘Z’ is ‘Zee’. So, Zee-bra. (pronunciaiton of ee as in tree). But according to British English, it can be Zeb-ra. (pronunciation of Zeb as in egg).
Niche: In US English, it can be pronounced as Nee-sh (pronunciation of Nee as in tree). But according to British English, it is pronounced as Nitch (as in switch).
Bowl: It is pronounced as bo-hl (pronunciation of o as in roll). Not as ba-ool which is wrong.
Euler: It is pronounced as Oiler. And not as Yuler/Yular which is wrong.
Truth: It is pronounced as troo-th (as in boo) and not tru-th.
Epitome: It is generally pronounced as ep-i-tome (as in foam) But the correct pronunciation is ep-i-tummy.
Develop: The correct pronunciation is D+vay+lupp, and not as Day+vay+lupp.
Pizza: The correct pronunciation is peet-zuh, (peet pronounced as in wheat). And not Pi-za.
Monk: It should be pronounced as muhngk as in drunk. It is often mispronounced as mawnk (mon as in Montreal).
Genre: The correct pronunciation is Zhon-ruh, (Zh is a sound as in vision, and ruh as in umbrella). It is often mispronounced as Jen-ner.
Quote: The correct pronunciation is kwo-te. It is often pronounced as coat which is wrong.
Sour: The correct pronunciation is sower (as in power). It is often pronounced as saar which is wrong.
Quinoa: The correct pronunciation is keen-wah. It is often pronounced as keenoah which is incorrect.
Ethyl, methyl: The correct pronunciation is A-thil, mey-thil. (thil as in hill) But these words are often pronounced as eethail, meethail (aail as in ice).
Porsche: The correct pronunciation is Por-shuh. It is often mispronounced as porsh.
Salon: It should be pronounced as sa-lon, (sa as in Apple, lon as in John) It is often pronounced as suh-loon which is incorrect.
Police: The correct pronunciation is Puh-leece. It is often mispronounced as Poo-leece.
Chauvinism: The correct pronunciation is shoh-vuh-niz-uh-m. It is mispronounced as chow-vi-ni-zum.
Coupon: The correct pronunciation is Koo-pon (pon as in pawn). It is often mispronounced as koo-pun (pronunciation of u as in sun).
Gauge: The correct pronunciation is gayj. It is often mispronounced as gauj.
Raspberry: The correct pronunciation is Raz-ber-ee. The fruit is often pronounced as rasp-berry which is incorrect, the P should be silent. .
Cocoa: It should be pronounced as koh-koh and not koh-koh-wa.
Capris: The correct pronunciation is Kuh-preez and not cape-reese.
Victuals: The correct pronunciation is vittles. It is often pronounced as vik-choo-uls which is incorrect.
Plumber: Its correct pronunciation is plume(r) with b silent.