小编导语:brittle是形容词,意为易碎的,脆弱的;易生气的。可以用来形容人的声音尖锐,刺耳。如:brittle voice。也可以表示人的态度冷淡,冷漠,不友好,还可以表示一个人的性格是容易生气的,敏感的。

还可以形容某样事物是易变的,短暂的,靠不住的。如:I cannot quantify the physics of friendships and do not know exactly how much intense pressure can be applied before these glittery, brittle bonds break. (我没法把我们的友谊量化,也不能确切地知道,在我们闪光而易碎的骨头断裂之前,我们能到底能承受多大的压力。)

还可以形容某样事物是易变的,短暂的,靠不住的。如:I cannot quantify the physics of friendships and do not know exactly how much intense pressure can be applied before these glittery, brittle bonds break. (我没法把我们的友谊量化,也不能确切地知道,在我们闪光而易碎的骨头断裂之前,我们能到底能承受多大的压力。)
1. (as) brittle as glass
例句:Plastics can not be so brittle as glass. 塑料不可能像玻璃那样易碎。
2. brittle temperature 脆化温度;脆折点;脆化点
例句:Through analysis on inside weld forming and welding procedure of SSAW pipe, it pointed out weld crack is easy to appear in brittle temperature zone in welding pool. 通过对螺旋埋弧焊管内焊缝成型和焊接过程的分析,指出焊缝裂纹易产生在焊接熔池脆性温度区。
3. brittle failure
例句:This paper analyses the reason that brittle failure is occurred and the factor that can influence brittle failure. 分析了钢结构发生脆性断裂的原因、影响结构脆性破坏的因素,提出了预防脆性破坏的措施。
4. brittle material
例句:Some examples show that this method can be regarded as an effective method of analyzing brittle material breakage. 已有算例表明,此方法可以作为脆性材料破坏分析的一种有效方法。