1.I feel so sorry for you. 我真为你感到难过。
2.If anyone can beat this, it's you. 如果有人能挺过来,那一定是你。
3.You're looking well. 你看上去不错。(可是人家感觉并不好。)
4.You're looking terrible. 你看上去不太好。(不带这样戳痛点的!)
5.Let me know the results. 出结果了一定告诉我。
6.Whatever I can do to help. 我一定会尽力帮忙的。
7.Oh, no, your worries are unfounded. 哦,不,你完全没必要担心。
8.I really must see you. 我真的要见见你。
9.I'm so terribly upset about your condition. 对你的情况我真的特别难过。
10.It will get better, just be patient. 会好的,耐心点儿。