1. 我等会儿顺道去你家把你的东西给你。
I will drop by at your house and give your stuffs to you.(×)
这个句子中,顺道去…顺便拜访…可以直接使用 drop by somewhere。
需要注意的是:drop by后面不能加介词短语,可以直接“地方”,比如:drop by your place, drop by your office。
也可以用stop by和swing by来表示。
而“顺便把东西给某人”,可以用drop off。这个短语很地道,可以表示“把某个东西送到某个地方”或者“把某人送到某个地方”例如:
Just drop me off at the next intersection.
I'll drop by your place and drop off your stuff later.
2. 我们一起吃晚饭,聊聊近况吧。
Let's have dinner together and talk. (×)
"talk"这个词就是you use spoken language to express your thoughts, ideas, or feelings.意思是谈话,说话,讲话。和聊聊近况还有点差距。
聊聊近况,叙旧,我们有个很简洁的词:catch up。例如:
I promise you to catch up with you later.
如果catch up 后面跟具体的人,要用介词with。例如:
和某人叙旧 catch up with sb.
聊聊彼此的近况 catch up with each other
Let's have dinner and catch up.
Let's catch up over dinner.
3. 你能把剪刀递给我吗?
Could you please hand me over that scissors? (×)
这句英文错就错在,犯了“意象思维”的错误,“递给…”意象性的理解为“hand over”。但其实hand over的意思是把…上交给某人。例如:
Hand over the phone to the teacher.
Hand sb. sth.
Hand sth. to sb.
Pass sb. sth.
Pass sth. to sb.
Can you pass/hand me the scissors?
Can you pass me those scissors?
4. 你要这个平板干嘛?
What do you need the tablet for? (×)
首先我们先好清楚“用…做…”可以用 “want…for…” 或“need…for…” 。如果对for后面的内容进行提问,相对应的特殊疑问句就应该用what引导。或者不用介词for, 疑问词用why。
Why do you need this tablet?
What do you want the tablet for?
5. 我整晚都在写这篇论文。
I cost whole night writing this paper. (×)
“花费…时间”我们可以说:Sb. spend some time on sth. 例如:
I spent two hours on this puzzle.
或者spend time doing…
I spent two hours solving the puzzle.
或者 it takes sb. some time to do sth.
这个拼图花了我两个小时。 It took me two hours to solve the puzzle.
It cost me a lot to get there.
所以“我整晚都在写这篇论文。” 这句话正确的说法应该是:
I spent the whole night on this paper.
I spent the whole night writing the paper.
I worked on this paper the whole night.
I was writing this paper the whole night.