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    Crime Victims 各式罪行

    Everybody hopes for a peaceful life. But some of us find ourselves the victims of crime despite such hopes. Have you or anyone you know ever been a victim of a crime? 你碰到过罪犯吗?或者你身边的人有犯罪的吗?下表中列举出了17种犯罪行为,让我们先来看一看。

    1. I was walking in the street when a guy snatched my bag.

    2. He was put in prison because he used the company's money to buy a car of his own.

    3. He was caught by the police when transporting cigarettes from Hong Kong to the mainland of China.

    4. They took away my little boy and demanded $100,000 for his safe return.

    5. My bike was taken away by someone last night.

    6. A gang took control of the flight and forced the pilot to change his destination.

    7. My house was broken into when I was away on holiday.

    8. The other day when I was shopping in a supermarket, I saw a little boy take several packs of chewing gums and leave without paying for them.

    9. After I got off from the crowded bus, I found the wallet in my back pocket had gone.

    10. He made a living by buying and selling drugs.

    11. He killed his best friend intentionally after he learned that his girlfriend was going to marry him.

    12. A man followed me to a back street and attacked me.

    13. He got caught when setting fire to a building.

    14. They blew up a department store and threatened to do the same to another if their demands were not met by the government.

    15. Some tourists like carving their names on cultural relics.

    16. He violently forced the girl to have sex with him.

    17. He got this job by giving money to the person in charge.

    Can you come up with a crime title to match each of the above criminal behaviors? 中文名称你可能知道,但是你了解专业的英文术语吗?接下来,我们通过下表一起熟悉一下这17个English crime titles,表中犯罪术语的序号同上表中描述的犯罪行为一一对应。

    the crime the verb form the person who does it

    1 robbery rob robber

    2 embezzlement embezzle embezzler

    3 smuggling smuggle smuggler

    4 kidnapping kidnap kidnapper

    5 theft steal thief

    6 hijacking hijack hijacker

    7 burglary burgle burglar

    8 shoplifting shoplift shoplifter

    9 pickpocketing pickpocket pickpocket

    10 trafficking traffic trafficker

    11 murder murder murderer

    12 assault assault assailant

    13 arson set fire to arsonist

    14 terrorism terrorise terrorist

    15 vandalism vandalise vandal

    16 rape rape rapist

    17 bribery bribe briber

    Crime Reports 案情描述

    Have you been a witness to any of a crime? Generally, how do people react to them? Come out and stop them? Call the police? Help the victim? Walk away pretending nothing has happened? All of the above are possible, aren't they? 遇到犯罪行为你会怎么做?挺身而出还是明哲保身?面对突发事件一切皆有可能,接下来,让我们先了解一下警察是如何调查一起车祸的。


    Are you Ok? = Are you all right? 您没事儿吧?

    Are you hurt? = Are you injured? 您受伤了吗?

    Shall we call your family? 需要我们给您的家人打电话吗?

    Do you need to go to the hospital? 您需要去医院吗?

    Do you need an ambulance? 您要救护车吗?

    Can you tell me what happened here?


    Did you see the car before it hit you?


    Do you remember the driver's license plate number?


    How fast were you going? 您开多快?

    How far were you from the car in front of you?


    Which direction were you coming from? 您是从哪个方向来的?

    Which direction were you going? 您要往哪个方向去?

    Have you noticed the red light? 您注意到红灯了吗?

    Which lane were you in? 当时您在哪个车道行驶?

    Please do not move your vehicle. 请不要移动您的车辆。

    Please move your vehicle to the side of the road.


    Do you need a tow truck? 您需要拖车吗?


    A: Are you hurt? 您受伤了吗?

    B: No, I'm fine. 没受伤,我还好。

    A: Have you called your insurance company? 您给您的保险公司打电话了吗?

    B: Yes. They will be right here. 打了,他们马上就到。

    A: Have you moved your car? 您移动过您的车吗?

    B: Not yet. 还没有。


    Q1. What sort of age was he?

    Q2. How tall was he?

    Q3. Was he a strong guy?

    Q4. What about his hair?

    Q5. Anything about his facial appearance that makes him easy to recognize?

    Q6. Anything special about his clothes?

    Crime Prevention 安全防护

    Can we do anything to protect ourselves from crime? The answer is "yes". The best way to minimize the risk of being the victim of a crime is to take sensible precautions. “安全第一。” 希望以下提供的11条安全守则能够让你远离危险,防患于未然。

    1 Do fit a viewer or spy hole and a stout door chain on the outside doors. These are all available at DIY (i.e. do it yourself) shops.


    2 Never allow anyone (e.g. repairmen) to enter your home without first checking their identity.


    3 Never let your handbag out of your sight. On public transport, keep hold of it, with the clasp or zip shut so a thief cannot steal your purse. In the office, keep it in a drawer, or in a corner near you. Even in a car, if you have the windows open or a door unlocked, a thief may reach it when you stop in traffic.


    4 If you regularly go jogging or cycling, try to vary your route and time. Stick to well-lit roads with pavements. On commons and parklands, keep to main paths and open spaces where you can see and be seen by other people--avoid wooded areas.


    5 When you answer the phone, simply say "hello"; don't give your number. If the caller claims to have a wrong number, ask him or her to repeat the number required. Never reveal any information about yourself to a stranger and never say you are alone in the house.


    6 Never leave a spare key in a hiding place like under a door-mat, in a flower pot or inside the letter box--a thief will look there first. Never leave a garage or garden shed unlocked, especially if it has a connecting door to the house.


    7 Always keep your cheque card separate from your cheque book; a thief needs both to write a cheque.


    8 If you think someone is following you, check by crossing the street--more than once if necessary--to see if he follows. If you are still worried, get to the nearest place where there are other people--a pub or anywhere with a lot of lights on--and call the police. Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street, as the prowler could trap you inside.


    9 If you often walk home in the dark, get a personal attack alarm from a DIY shop. Carry it in your hand so you can use it immediately to scare off an attacker. Make sure it is designed to continue sounding if it's dropped or falls to the ground.


    10 If you are selling your home, don't show people around on your own. Ask your estate agent to send a representative with anyone who wants to view your house.


    11 Use time switches--available from DIY shops--to turn on lights, radios and other appliance when you are out. This will make it look as if your house is occupied.



    forced entry into homes: 1, 2, 5

    theft: 3, 6, 7

    assault: 4, 8, 9, 10

    Burglary: 5, 6, 11

    rape: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10

    bag snatching: 3, 8

      上一篇:锦上添花 Icing on the cake 下一篇:说这个词让你像个地道的英国人


