8. Beanbrain
beanbrain(bean-brain) 理解力差的人,笨蛋、傻子、呆瓜
beanbrained (bean-brained) 豆大脑筋的,精打细算的,目光如豆的
have the brain capacity of a bean bag 显得笨头笨脑
Beanbrain 此字1950年代初期始见于英文文献,是较新的损人语,用以讽男讥女均可。此字可当“名词、形容词、动词”,语气虽不粗俗,但正式社交场所仍不登大雅之堂,绅士淑女奉劝少用。(请参见 birdbrain,peabrain 各条)。
Beanbrain 用来贬人
1. beanbrain 呆瓜
A. Don’t let that bean-brain do it. Get it done yourself.
2. beanbrained 精打细算的,豆大脑筋的
A. That main theme in both books1,is,almost expectably,the old one of the Noble Savage.2 Since these pea-brained hominoids have never evolved even as far as bean-brained businessmen3, professors,publishers,agents,whatever,they must necessarily have Much Ancient Wisdom4 to impart to crass and materialistic moderns.
(N.Y.Times 5/13/96书评)
1. both books 指John Darton著的Neanderthal (尼安德特人)及 Petru Popesc 的 Almost Adam (亚当的近亲),皆论史前时代的人类祖先问题。
2. Noble Savage 崇高的野蛮人,是戏言,字首大写以强调之。
3. Bean-brained businessmen 此处借bean喻penny,nickel or dime(美金的最小三个单位),讽喻商人目光如豆,连小钱也看得很重。
4. Much Ancient Wisdom 成堆的古训,此乃讽刺语,字首大写,以强调之。
A. We lost the account because some bean-brained salesman said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
B. Is there any way we can get the customer back?
3. have the brain capacity of a bean bag 显得笨头笨脑
A. Very often,men change because women will no longer tolerate being1 with a partner who has the brain capacity of a bean-bag.
(Reproductive Health Matters,5/1/94)
1. will no longer tolerate being with… 无法容忍与……在一起。Tolerate是及物动词,being with… 是动名词短语作宾语。因为是一种状况,有时要借重 be 来表达。be 变成 being 后,不论+形容词或名词甚至地点副词,都是动名词短语,但注意有时being是be动词的现在分词,在进行被动句中用之。